
Catholic Republicans-do you share my disappointment?

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I'm Catholic and am more than disappointed that McCain has pandered so obviously to evangelicals by choosing Palin. My question is - are there other Catholics like me who fear ANY evangelical influence in the White House?




  1. You mean, sort of like the Obama campaign pandered so obviously to Catholics by trumpeting Joe Biden's Catholicism at every opportunity, putting Sr. Helen Prejean on the list of speakers at the convention, and having the thoroughly seduced and oft-interviewed Doug Kmiec telling Catholics with no authority whatsoever why it's okay for them to vote for Obama (and has a book coming out soon with roughly the same title)?  Prior to the Democratic convention, the press was calling the "Catholic vote" up for grabs.  And they did everything but hand out flowers and candy in attempting to woo us.

    When it comes down to the issues, conservative Catholics have far more in common with Gov. Palin -- and other evangelicals -- than we do with either Biden or Obama.  And I'm already tired of Catholics bleating about Palin's "anti-Catholic" denomination (displaying the same willful ignorance about it that many fundamentalists have about our Church).  If this is the only reason a Catholic of conscience can offer to vote against the ticket, then their convictions must be pretty danged shallow.

    I have far less fear about a genuine pro-life voice in or near the White House than I would a sold-out nominal Catholic.  And I couldn't care less about Palin's evangelicism.  She's not a dominionist.  There is a BIG difference.

  2. I'm not disappointed at all.

  3. palin is a baptized catholic

    she switched to Christian later

    she belongs to many Christian churches now that she became political

    moves around a lot

  4. No I am a very obediently traditional Roman Catholic Independent and I am very excited at McCain's choice for VP and because of his decision on VP I will be voting for him instead of writing in my own name.

    Pray the Rosary and receive the Sacraments for the glory of God in the Highest!

  5. As a Catholic I have no objections to McCain and Palin.  I do not see any pandering.  Religious beliefs should not be what a candidate is judged by.  I really hoped Romney would get the nomination.  

  6. I want a man of faith in the White House, but I do not want faith to influence his or her decisions.  Any individual is capable of thinking independently, and keeping religious bias out of the way.

    At the same time, you have to do what you have to do.  Obama giving his speech on King's anniversary of "I have a dream," was no coincidence.

  7. I've been happy with the GOP convention and with Palin's choice. then again, my own Bishop, Thomas Wenski, opened the convention with a prayer. That was pretty cool.

  8. aren't you more concerned with McCain's pastor calling the Catholic Church the "big w***e"

  9. The alternative is unthinkable.  The more we let the left control the less our standing will be anyway.  The muslims have declared war on catholics.  

  10. Religion has no place in politics. Period!

  11. Why are you afraid? What do Catholics have to fear from other Christians?

  12. Evangelicals now control the GOP with an iron hand.  They won't let anyone else into the fold.

  13. No, I'm not disappointed.

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