Our son is almost six years old and has never been to school. We enrolled him into catholic schooI for entry into the first grade.He had to take an entrance exam.The exam was held for an hour in a room with toys, and our son began to "act up" crying, that he wanted to play, wouldn't sit, etc. Finally, the teacher got him under control and our son took the exam. After they deposited our $75.00 non-refundable registration fee and a five week wait, we called the school and were informed that our son had failed the math part of the test "miserably" and would not be accepted into the school.That he wouldn't be at the math level that the other children were up to, even though he is at the same reading level.I believe they made up their minds a minute after we walked out the door. After all, isn't he going there to learn? We're having a hard time with our sons' behaviour. But we hurt for him and we're angry. Any advice, suggestions? About our son? About the school? Thank you for answering!!!