
Catholics, abortion and same s*x marriage, are these really the most important issues for you? ?

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Not worldwide poverty, or the economy or international energy issues. The most important issues you can come up with are about what other human beings can and can't do with their bodies? Isn't that kinda arrogant to think that your biggest issue involves other peoples personal rights?

Really, how does a same s*x couple being married effect you at all? Is it really any of anyone else's businesses who marries or loves who?




  1. Abortion is the most important issue. This is not about what others can and can't do with their bodies, it's about what they should not do with others lives...the unborn human being. No one should have the right to take the life of a human being only because that person is an inconvenience and unable to defend itself.

    And homosexual marriage does affect us. We are not all individual islands, what we do affects others. Sin is collective. The more we accept immorality as a society the more we degrade ourselves, we continue to lower the bar and each generation seeks a new low. We are all responsible for each other. We should care if others are sinning, not because we are better then them but because sin is hurtful to all of us. If you truly love your neighbor you will want heaven for them, you will want God for them.

    As this society trashes babies, idolizes immoral behavior, promotes promiscuity, and encourages sinful behavior, we all suffer. God calls us away from this toward him, to love and holiness. This is something we should want for all people.  

  2. As an atheist, Catholics are my biggest problem, so why am I not theirs'?

  3. The most important issue is to get all the people you can to become a saved, born again, Christian.

  4. i don't think so

  5. I think it's all stupid.

    Many Catholics are set on getting g*y people instead of helping someone find food. Who cares if people are g*y, they are not harming anyone in any way.

    I wouldn't get an abortion but I support anyone who wants to get one. It's their body not mine.  

  6. I am totally neutral about Catholics.

  7. I am an atheist, so I don't have firsthand experience, but not all Catholics oppose abortion and same s*x marriage. It depends on the person and their environment, but you raise the VERY valid point that by no means does it effect their own lives in the least. I think people that are part of single-interest groups like that tend to be self righteous.

  8. To be honest, I'm not really hung up on g*y marriage, but abortion is a big issue.  You obviously see it as a routine medical procedure, but Christians believe it is murder.  From our perspective, there's basically a mass slaughter of babies going on in North Amerca.  I've heard that as many as 1 in 3 preganancies are terminanted.  That's a pretty big deal, if you consider abortion to be murder.  I think the killing of innocent children affects all of us and is all of our business.

    I would never single out one person and blame them for this, but as a society, we need to decide if we are OK with what abortion means.  This is a societal issue because it affects more than just the lives of the two parents making the choice.

  9. First, not all Catholics are the same. Don't assume that all Catholics think alike. Personally, I don't have a problem with same-s*x marriage, since it doesn't really effect me and I think everyone should have the opportunity to find the happiness I have found.

    I am also pro-choice, but NOT pro-abortion. I think my husband and I should make such decisions regarding our family and that I shouldn't be denied good medical care if that's what we have decided is best for our family.

    That said, you don't think deciding when a person becomes a person is, perhaps, THE most important issue?! You don't think that trying to figure out whether or not abortion is killing another human being is important? What about the rights of the baby who is being murdered? Or do you consider only the rights of those outside the womb as important? One cannot have rights outside the womb without having been first inside the womb and not having been murdered before having the chance to get out and then, according to you, having personal rights as a human being. One cannot have a hunger issue if one isn't first born.

    Allow me also to point out, that ALL Christians have a problem with those issues you dismissed as irrelevant and concern about them as being arrogant, not just Catholics.

    As for the economy or energy being issues, yes, they pale in comparison to human life. Sadly, you don't see that.

  10. You forgot contraception.

    Ironically, the solution to many of the world's problems!

  11. (James 1:27) "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

  12. Not quite.

    Their most important issue is CONTROL. The churches feel the masses slowly moving away from under their influence, and that makes them all angry and upset. They have to stir up these issues to create a world where their faith is still relevant (it's not)

  13. Don't forget fundamentalists

  14. I am a Roman Catholic, and am a longtime supporter of g*y rights. Neither of the issues you mentioned in your question are as important to me as eradicating poverty, warfare, overpopulation and widespread damage to the environment.

  15. I agree. It shouldn't matter what other people do. It is their choice and if they are happy with it then it should be ok.

  16. It is my understanding that Catholics don't go by the Bible as much as the Protestants do, so you can't blame them for not following the Bible... Although Protestants hardly read it to understand anything...

    Hardly any Christian knows King Melchizedek... He was very fond of the Sodomites... and I wonder why is it that Christians never celebrate Abraham as the liberator of the Sodomites? Obviously, homophobia is deeply rooted in Christianity.

    Sodom was invaded and looted (Gen 14). Lot, his family and most of the Sodomites were captured and taken to be sold as slaves, but their King Bera managed to escape. Abraham is told about it. He arms his slaves and goes about 200 miles north in hot pursue of the invaders. Abraham defeats them. Abraham recovers all the loot. Also, he liberates Lot and his family, and all the Sodomites! The liberated Sodomites must have danced naked before Abraham in celebration of joy all the way home. This was repeated when King David brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. He exposed his genitals dancing naked before the LORD and some slave girls, too! Abraham became the national hero in the Kingdom of Sodom!

    When Abraham and all the rescued Sodomites were safely returning home they were greeted by King Bera of Sodom and King Melchizedek* (*Christian theologians claim that he was JESUS in one of his epiphanies--Heb 7:1-3). King Melchizedek brought out bread and wine to celebrate Abraham's genuine "mission accomplished" liberating the Sodomites! King Bera of Sodom and King Melchizedek of Jerusalem were bosom buddies… to say the least!!!

    Genesis 14:17-18 (NIV)

    After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh… Then Melchizedek king of Salem* (*The ONLY Epiphany of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament and it happened in relation to a Sodomite issue!) brought out BREAD AND WINE* (*type of Holy Communion with Abraham and the King of Sodom partaking!). He was priest of God Most High,

    In the course of this celebration God forced Abraham to take a solemn oath not to accept any compensation money from King Bera for rescuing the Sodomites in spite of the fact that he risked his own life doing it… and who knows how many HIGHLY MOTIVATED of his slaves were killed in battle! IT WAS ALL ON ABRAHAM'S ACCOUNT! The Sodomites are highly honored before the Bible God! Abraham already got a big fortune from the MIGHTY King of Egypt and later on from the King of Gerar when these kings picked up Abraham’s old sister/wife Sarah for s*x and God forced these kings to compensate dearly to Abraham. They actually made him filthy rich in spite of the fact that Abraham was an illiterate Hebrew shepherd pimping his own sister/wife/hooker around, but Abraham was not to accept a Penny from the King of Sodom! Homosexuals are right to be mad at the Most Reverend Doctor Dobson and the Christian Clergy at large because they hide these facts from the lay tithe paying Christians!

    Shortly after these episodes God Almighty needs to personally come down to Earth from Heaven to investigate what is going on in Sodom! NOTHING THAT WAS GOING ON IN SODOM EVER BOTHERED GOD EXCEPT THAT SOMEBODY COMPLAINED… there was an “outcry”!!! (Gen 18:20-21) Somebody was getting hurt real badly! Maybe there were some angels hurting, too. They were very knowledgeable about Sodom because they knew where to bunk at night (Gen 19:2)! Lot forced them to spend the night with him in his house. And Sodom is destroyed just for the heck of it! THERE IS PLENTY OF EVIDENCE IN THE BIBLE that the morality of the Sodomites was far superior than that of the Holy Incestuous Lot, and that of JERUSALEM!!! Christians refuse to discuss this whole episode!!! They don’t want to let anybody know that the Bible God is promising that he will FULLY RESTORE SODOM to the state that it was just before it was destroyed! (Eze 16:53,55)  God must do that before the end of the world!!! Nowhere in the Bible is written that the Sodomites need to repent or apologize for their conduct, but God promised them FULL RESTORATION!!! This is the surest sign of the end! We are beginning to see same s*x marriages already… Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen? God admitted that he made a mistake creating Adam alone and had to create Eve as an afterthought. According to the Bible, the full restoration of Sodom follows the same routine!

    Only the incestuous Holy Lot is saved out of Sodom. He lost his wife. He was getting drunk and had s*x with his young virgin daughters until he got them positively pregnant all under the watchful eye of God Almighty. God was so delighted watching Lot doing his young virgin daughters that he declared him a Holy and Righteous man throughout the Bible, Old and New Testaments! That’s about the most significant event that we know of Holy Lot’s life. This is all in the Bible that Christians want to ignore and never mention to anybody to the hurt of the g*y community including this confession of King David’s love for Jonathan! King David was at least BISEXUAL...! HE WAS NOT HIDING IN THE CLOSET ON HIS g*y SIDE! He was the King of Israel! He was a man patterned “after God’s own heart!” No Christian would dare to question him, or do they?!

    1 Samuel 18:1, 3-4 (NIV)  After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.  [3-4] And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

    1 Samuel 19:2a (KJV) But Jonathan Saul's son delighted much in David:* (*why so? Jonathan was a nobody!)  

    1 Samuel 20:30 (KJV) Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman* (*SOB), do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse* (*David) to thine own confusion* (*Are you g*y or what?), and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness?* (*We do have some heavy sexual issues to “interpret” here that the Christian clergy is masking.) [41b] and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

    So at the death of Jonathan, the newly installed King David was grieved beyond measure!

    2 Samuel 1:26 (NIV)

    I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother;

    you were very dear to me.

    Your love for me was wonderful,


    Only g*y men can truly and positively interpret this portion of Holy Scripture! So would you prevent the marriage of two men who feel that their love to each other is Biblically MORE WONDERFUL THAN THAT OF WOMEN??? Can the Bible God the Holy Ghost who inspired the infallible Bible writers be dead wrong about men loving each other??? One has to be a VERY EVIL CHRISTIAN person to think so to deny any same s*x marriage!!! The same principle is applied to any 2 women loving each other!  THERE IS NO LAW WHATSOEVER IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW OF GOD AGAINST LESBIANS LOVING EACH OTHER (Only Saint Paul hates Lesbians in the Bible)! The Christian clergy led by the Pope and supported by practically all the Protestants deny this natural God given pleasure to the general public so they can make Christians feel guilty on one more sin that they need to service! But almost everybody knows that MANY preachers and clergypersons indulge themselves in homosexual activities inside of their closets… until they get caught… and some of them doing it with minors! Obviously the “God changing power” has no effect whatsoever on them! Christianity is a fraud! In our day and age if Christianity is to survive the Bible needs to be rewritten to make it fair and more explicit to science and to all people… even to pregnant women IN NEED of an abortion!!! Actually, the Bible ambiguously addresses all these issues, but the clergy is in control of all the interpretations to suit a particular brand of faith!

  17. like this question hasn't been asked a million times

  18. sorry but abortion is the greatest crime in the world right now.  the slaughter of the innocents just as it was done time and time again in the scriptures.  It is the greatest evil committed today.  The next important issue for me would be the lies of Vatican II and how they are destroying the church and leading souls astray.  Now I see a lot of violence in the past few days against Catholics.  Look up what is going on in India right now.  Then I would get into our own liberties being taken from us in the US and around the world as we see the New World Order agenda unfolding before our eyes and at a rapid pace.  I see the cost of food skyrocketing alongside the cost of oil for gas and homes, the cost of electricity, the cost of clothing and so on.  Our dollar is being demolished by the federal reserve which is a private bank that has no constitutional authority to print money out of thin air and weaken our monetary system.  When that system fails, the world will feel its effects.  I fear it will fail within the next month or so.  I would advise you all to be prepared, to make sure not to have all your money in the bank as the banks are collapsing left and right.  Stock up on emergency supplies such as storable food, drinking water and so on.  We are in a severe world wide recession which will soon become the next great depression.  

  19. Catholics are not, in general, the Christians whom I find to have the biggest problem with homosexuality...

  20. Its not your job to want Catholics to think different, just don't become Catholic.  

  21. At the end of the day, people will still do what they want to do.  All of those things you mention are very important to us.  Society changes, but the Catholic church remains firm in the way God wants us live our life.  We don't twist God's word to suit our own needs like I've seen some denoms do.  But like I said, at the end of the day, people will still do what they want to do, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.   Vice versa for that matter.

    It isn't Catholics in YA that are telling people they are going to h**l.  I've been here a while and I haven't come across any.

  22. As a Catholic yes, I have a problem with g*y marriage..not a g*y union. Who you live with and what you do don't concern me at all, but I feel very strongly against g*y marriage, marriage is between a man and a my mind at least.

    As for abortion, well, one little pill or thin piece of latex could have eliminated that problem couldn't no..I don't believe in abortion either.

    FYI these are not paramount in my mind, the state of our country, my own personal finances, the health and well being of myself and my family..these are important to me.

  23. they are all wrong. sorry.

  24. those arent what i care about most and im not sure why so many people care about them either while they are losing their jobs or houses

  25. Forget Poverty and Injustice.


  26. <<Catholics, abortion and same s*x marriage, are these really the most important issues for you? ?>>

    Abortion and same-s*x marriage are important because they are opposed to the moral absolute that proclaims abortion and same-s*x marriage absolutely and morally wrong no matter the circumstances.

    <<Not worldwide poverty, or the economy or international energy issues.>>

    Oh contrare. . . The fact that vocal Catholics are campaigning for moral rights as they pertain to abortion and same-s*x marriage doesn't mean they are ignoring poverty or energy issues.

    <<The most important issues you can come up with are about what other human beings can and can't do with their bodies?>>

    That's an important issue. The fact we have bodies simply doesn't mean we have the right to do whatever we want with them. It's that simple.

    <<Isn't that kinda arrogant to think that your biggest issue involves other peoples personal rights?>>


    What you have to understand is that Catholics work to promote the cause that best suites their particular charism. Some are called to alleviate the sufferings causes by poverty, some are called to work in favor of the environment and conservation. Some are called to promote absolute morality is it pertains to abortion and same-s*x marriage.

    These are all worthy causes, and there are busy Catholics on all of these. Personally, I think you are arrogant - in claiming Catholics prioritize certain issues over others when YOU'RE doing exactly the same thing - prioritizing certain moral issues over others!

    <<Really, how does a same s*x couple being married effect you at all?>>

    Marriage is a Holy Sacrament, under the auspices of the Church.

    Marriage is not a legal civil right, under the auspices of government.

    Same-s*x marriage is a moral affront to the Sacrament itself as well as everyone who has ever and will ever receive it.

    <<Is it really any of anyone else's businesses who marries or loves who?>>

    Yes. It is.

  27. How is the issue of a law making the murder of a baby legal or illegal unimportant?

    I'm Catholic, and very concerned about world poverty, the economy, energy, etc.  To say that we're not is insulting to our intelligence and assumptive.  One of the reasons by abortion is such a big issue is because it goes right to the moral fabric of society.  A country with no moral backbone disintegrates.  A country with no moral backbone fails in every other aspect of civilization, from its justice system to how it handles energy to the economy and so forth.  Why is it that America was stronger in all of those aspects during the World War II years, when abortion was illegal and same s*x marriage wasn't even a thought?  Why can't we say the same thing today?  

    God bless.

  28. Liberating the Holy Land from crazed zionists was always my top priority.  

  29. What greater poverty can their be than being denied life? Being unwanted and unloved? I feel for so many 'causes' at the same time. Abortion for me is the greatest evil their is legal today. I do not even consider homosexual marriage on the same page. Let them live their lives harming no one.

  30. hey catholics never make the most noise.

    Yea sure it concerns me,  but hey some people will do crazy stuff no matter what?

    I've got better things to do with my life than try to police everybody.

  31. Without life there would be no other issues.

    Jesus told us that what we do to the least among us we do to him. The unborn are the least among us. We cannot condone the extinguishing of life.

    It's not about what about others are doing to their bodies. It's about what they're doing to their children's bodies.

    As far as same s*x marriage, we believe that marriage is a sacrament. It is a special union of two souls joined by God. To allow homosexuals to marry would make a mockery of marriage. Why not have polygamy or underage marriage? Isn't that interfering with their private business? It's a matter of morality.

    Poverty , economics and energy are also very important issues. They matter but not as much as protecting the smallest of God's special creations.  

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