
Catholics: Is it really necessary to do the sign of the cross?

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What is the sign of the cross for?




  1. remainder of the Holy Trinity.

  2. it is spirtiual re enforcement..when they worshiped in secret it is a way they identified each it's also a reminder that it is through the father, the son, and the holy spirit that we live...

  3. Is it necessary? Not for salvation, or forgiveness etc. But it is a good thing to do, so why not?

    When we make the sign of the cross it is a blessing/prayer. We say "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

    It certainly doesn't hurt!  

  4. It is necessary to do better grammar

  5. Repetitive ritualistic superstition.

  6. Well, you seem to be implying that it's something bad to do.  I see no reason to NOT do the sign of the cross.  As far as I know, all Christians believe in the trinity - that there is one God with three distinct persons.  Well that is all the Catholic Christian is acknowledging.  By saying "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" they are stating that the prayer they are about to say is said in God's name.  Other Christians say "In Jesus' name" after they say a prayer, what is so different?  Christians, you need to stop fighting with each other over all these silly things.  Do you not see that when you fight like this it makes other people say, "Gee, they don't seem to be a compassionate, good religion.  I think they are hypocrites."  You need to learn that you are all Christians, you all follow Jesus.  Stop fighting over different practices.

  7. It is blessing yourself, and a prayer.  While crossing yourself, you silently pray "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit".  Why would we NOT want to cross ourselves?

  8. It's just some stupid c**p catholic made up.

    Were in the bible dose it make any reference to the sign of the cross

  9. No it is not.  It is a centuries old custom that helps the person doing it put a spiritual thought (I am going to do something in God's name) into a concrete, visible form.  

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