
Catholics and abortion?

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Is the Catholic Church against abortion if the mother is guaranteed to die during childbirth?




  1. No.  They are Eternal Damnation Fear Worshippers, but they are not this

  2. The RCC allows abortions if the mother's life is on the line.

  3. There are very few of these instances but if it is going to happen then yes one may be attained and usually there would be a priest in attendance. A very recent person who was canonized was made a Saint exactly because of this. She could either bring her child to birth and die or she could abort the child and have the necessary surgery and live and she chose to die in order that her child could live.  

  4. Mothers are never "guaranteed" to die.

    Life-threatening complications occur late enough in pregnancy where the baby can be surgically removed from the womb and placed in an incubator - leaving both mother and baby perfectly safe.

  5. That might depend on whether the baby has a chance of surviving or not.

  6. Ask a priest if you really want to be sure.  But I think if it is a choice of saving either the mother's or the baby's life, the Catholic position is for saving the mother's life.

  7. In MOST countries around the world, it IS ok to abort the fetus if the mother's life is in danger.

    There are still a few backward South American Countries that will allow the mother to die right along with the baby but they are, thank goodness, the minority...

    I don't get it... If the mother dies, the baby dies too... So why on earth wouldn't they allow the termination of the pregnancy to save the mom? She can always MAKE ANOTHER baby if she survives... But what do you expect from backward 3rd world countries?

    Oh... and in places where they lack the medical technology to perform a termination of a pregnancy.

    In Africa, the women are so malnourished that their hips are unable to pass the child and it leads to permanent leakage from both the bladder and a**s...

    There was a WONDERFUL episode of Nova called "A Walk to Beautiful" about the organization that gives these women a second chance at life by correcting the damage.

    It shows how women are used and thrown away in a country where they are nothing but chattle.

    "This program tells the story of three women in Ethiopia suffering from devastating childbirth injuries. Rejected by their husbands and ostracized by their communities, the women are left to spend the rest of their lives in loneliness and shame. NOVA follows each of them on their journey to a special hospital in Addis Ababa, where they find solace for the first time in years, and stays with them as their lives begin to change. The trials they endure and their attempts to rebuild their lives tell a universal story of hope, courage and transformation."

  8. No.  A friend of mine had a tubal pregancy and began to bleed to death internally.  She called her priest who told her to get off the phone with him and go to the emergency room.  I am pro-life, but I get scared when I hear about people that consider that this a sin.  If she had bled to death they both would have died.  

  9. It is my understanding that the RCC allows abortion in instances where the mother's life is in grave danger.

  10. While the Church opposes all direct abortions, it does not condemn procedures which result in the loss of the unborn child as a "secondary effect." For example, if a mother is suffering an ectopic pregnancy (a baby is developing in her fallopian tube, not the uterus), a doctor may remove the fallopian tube as therapeutic treatment to prevent the mother’s death. The infant will not survive long after this, but the intention of the procedure and its action is to preserve the mother’s life. It is not a direct abortion.

    Very rarely, situations occur in which to save the mother’s life, the child needs to be delivered early. But this can be done safely with a normal, induced delivery, or a Caesarean section.


  11. This is an extremely difficult question to answer.

    In the case, for example, of ectopic pregnancy, there are two solutions.  In all cases, precautions must be taken to try to save the lives of both the mother and child.  If, however, one is more likely to survive than the other, the doctor must practice jurisprudence and save the human which is more likely to live.  

    That being said, there is a solution.  The second includes cutting out diseased part of FT and re-sewing (in order to save the fallopian tube in order to allow further fertility).  The WRONG option would be to simply cutting out the embryo, as if that was the only problem.  This would be called a "direct abortion" and is NOT allowed.  However, removing the embryo and the diseased part of the fallopian tube is allowable.

    In the case of an implanted embryo that has other problems, such as placental, all measures must be taken to keep the baby in the mother until no long possible/safe.  Then measures must be taken to try to save the baby.  

    In all cases, genetic disorders (Downs Syndrome, Autism), which do NOT affect the safety of the mother and/or child during pregnancy, abortions are NOT allowable.

    I hope this clears it up for you.

    God Bless.

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