
Catholics...and adoption?

by Guest62539  |  earlier

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what do catholics think of adoption? are they against it?




  1. im catholic and is my brother.  my parents couldn't have kids so they adopted.  i don't think that the church is against it because people who are adopting are giving the birth mothers a way to not have an abortion.  i think that they are pro adoption.

  2. Catholics have no problem with adoption.  We are Catholic and in the process of adopting and numerous people at our church are adoptive parents as well as foster parents.  And like a poster before me said, we are against abortion NOT adoption!

  3. In Catholicism, procreation is an essential part of marriage, and impotence or infertility at the time of marriage is one of the acceptable reasons for an annulment to be granted.  If you've been married for years and have adopted children because one of you is unable to have biological children, the marriage can still be annulled on the grounds that that person is unable to fulfill one of the duties of marriage (making babies).  I've always thought that view had strange implications for adoption.  By being willing and able to adopt, hasn't an impotent or infertile person fulfilled the family-building duty of marriage?  Are those adopted children less "real" than biological children?  Do they not count?  

    That's all just philosophy, though.  On a practical level, I've known Catholics to be among the most heartfelt supporters of adoption and among the most active in actually getting involved with facilitating adoptions and providing services to birthmothers.

  4. My heavens!  Catholic Charities is one of the oldest and most respected adoption agencies in this country.

    It is  A B O R T I O N  we are against, yeah!!! for adoption!!!

  5. I know when I placed my child for adoption Catholic Charities was the most fair organization to go through.  They didn't go by money, or who the family knew.

  6. Definitely not. In the days when infants were readily available for adoption, Catholic Charities were among the leaders in finding Catholic homes for unwanted infants. Many Protestant and Jewish organizations were very active, doing wonderful things, too.

    A large part of these activities are on the back burner because of many mothers keeping their babies and the availabiltiy of abortion.

  7. Totally for adoption, and in many parts of the country, Catholic Social Services actively facilitates adoption.

  8. Catholics are all for adoption.

    This is a morally acceptable alternative for women thinking about an abortion.

    Catholics have run orphanages and adoption agencies for hundreds of years all over the world.

    With love in Christ.

  9. You can open up a big can of worms with this question, only because, Catholic faith, varies from Catholic to Catholic, in my opinion.  

    I was raised Catholic, attended catholic school, mass every Sunday, etc., etc., As I grew older, my views changed, not my faith in God, but my views.  While I am still Catholic, I am not a practicing Catholic.  I am very proud to be an adoptive parent.  The church supports adoption through programs such as Catholic Charities, etc., They sponsor young mothers and educate them on adoption as an alternative to abortion, something they do not agree with.

    With that said, my true belief is that God is the ultimate decision maker here, and I believe that he would support the process of adopting a child, afterall, it is the ultimate gift of love on the birthmother's side, as well as on the adoptive parent side.

  10. Taking an orphaned child to raise as your own is not against Catholicism.

  11. not at all....i'm catholic, and i'm in the process of adopting.  in fact, i know a few catholic families that have adopted and love being parents.

  12. The organization through which my daughter was adopted is a Catholic agency.

  13. The Catholic Church has been running orphanages, foster care, and adoption agencies worldwide for decades. The Church itself is not against it at all, though individual Catholics may have their own opinions.

  14. Its all good. UNLESS you use them for slave labor...

  15. Actually adoption is a beautiful illustration of the Gospel itself.  In the Bible, God is very clear on what His heart is for orphans and widows.  I can't see coming up with a Biblical argument against adoption, myself.

    There are actually several Catholic adoption agencies out there (I can't think of their names off the top of my head, unfortunately, but you could Google them).

    The Catholic church has a history of reaching out to the needy and ministering to their needs.  Adoption is a natural outcropping of that heart.

  16. no catholics do like to help people even if they seem as a hard a**. i think that if u adopt a child and ur able to provid a life of safty and prosperity than i dont think theyll be against it but if u adopt them for the money youll get then u should be burned at the steak and be sent to h**l forever just kidding

  17. I'm Catholic and I'm not againist Adoption ( unless you use the child for a slave). Actually, I am thinking of adopting a child when I am older.

  18. i am a catholic and to my knowledge adoption isn't something that we're against. we're happy about it - i mean COME ON a child under the age of 18 is getting to have a place called home every time that they're adopted. that means less time of changing foster homes and/or staying in an orphanage. we're HAPPY to hear when kids are adopted, especially when it's a loving family. better to adopt than to abort, right? better to give birth to a child and give the child up to a loving family than have the child grow up missing something, be it at home, on it's back, in it's stomach....get what i'm saying? long story short, we're certainly not against it!

  19. For it!!! I am Catholic and we are supporters of adoption.

    Taking a child who needs a home, giving them one, raising them - why would there be anything wrong with it? It is great.

    In fact my husband and I are talking of adoption :)

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