
Cathy Comics <span title="Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Did Cathy have a baby? If so.. what's his/her name

Did she ever marry? If so... his name

In the comic where did she live? town&state

Did Cathy ever get another pet, If so what kind and what name?

Thanks it would really mean a lot




  1. Cathy hasn&#039;t had a baby yet.  Her best friend Charlene&#039;s been pregnant for over a year, though.  She did marry Irving, whose last name turned out to be Hill, and he brought with him a dog he rescued from the shelter named Vivian.  I don&#039;t know what town she lives in, but I think it&#039;s said that she lives in Ohio.  Hope this helps!  :)

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