
Cats: Indoors or Outdoors?

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Do you keep your cats strictly inside, strictly outside, or do you let them go back and forth as they please?

What's your reason for doing so?

(I'm just asking as a general survey. My cats have always been the "back and forth" type, but I make sure they're inside whenever I leave the house or go to sleep.)




  1. My cat stays strictly indoors because she doesn't have any front claws and wouldn't be able to defend herself.  I had cats that were in-and-out but they didn't stay as healthy as my indoor-only cat.  Plus the small one-horse town I lived in had many residents poisoning the outdoor cats.

  2. You should't keep cats. They're mad lame.

  3. I  dont have cats and i never would   not even a dog  not in my home noway.. do as you already do.

  4. It generally depends on the cat, the breed and the upbringing. If a cat is raises in doors it is unwise to ever let it out coz its lost natural instinct. However some cats are too predatory and unenergetic to be happy in doors whereas more docile cats like siameses and persians would be miserable out in the rain and are quite happy to live life with kitty litter. I'd say most breeds are the back and forth type but select breeds are actually much happier in doors. If a cat is strictly out doors it'll probably find someone else to let it indoors to sleep on a sofa which is how some cats end up with two owners.

  5. I have one thats out comes and goes as he pleases and another that stays in but thats there choice but the one that goes out always stays in at night. wish the other one did go out then i would not need a litter tray.

  6. a cat that you buy and that belongs to you is supposed to be indoors cause that's why it's called a house-cat

  7. My cat is a strictly indoor cat.  I sometimes let her go outside with a leash and harness.  My reasons are the dangers of high traffic, diseases, pregnancy and fights.  

  8. I live out in the middle of nowhere so there are no dangers of cars, other people, etc.  We have a cat door for the cats to go in and out as they please.  We have four cats.  Two choose to stay outside nearly all the time.  The other two usually just come in a night.  They all seem to love the outdoors; rolling in the grass, chasing grasshoppers and lizards, lying in the sunshine.  Cats are all wild at heart!

  9. The older one goes in and out regularly, as long as someone is home. If everyone's gone, he stays in. He basically just wanders around the yard, at most he'll sit near the sidewalk. He meows at the door when he wants out, does the same when he wants in...very easy to work with.

    The younger one on the other hand is a total spaz. She has been out once or twice and didn't leave the yard...but she's a troublemaker and is curious about everything, so I'm a bit hesitant to let her out.

    They both love the outdoors, though I've always worried that it will affect their health. So far nothing has happened, so I'll probably let the younger one out when she's slightly older too.

  10. Cats are decended from wild animals.  Lets not forget that.  All cats should be free to come and go as they please. Cats love to lay in the sunshine, roll around in the grass and chase the flying insects.

    But on dark winter nights they also love to curl up somewhere warm and comfy.

    All my cats have always come and go as they please as i have a cat flap fitted.  In the summer my 11 year old persian spends all day sleeping in the sun, but in the winter he only goes out to go to the toilet.

    None of my cats have ever come home smelly, yet at the moment I have two young kittens at home which constantly stink of litter dust from where they are digging in it all the time.  YUK!! (And yes I clean it EVERY day, and always take out the poo as soon as they have done it)

    Also, persian cats have always been known for their grumpy temprements, yet my persian has always been allowed outside and he is the most gentle and laid back cat I have ever known.

    Yes outdoor cats are more at risk, but that is just part of life. At the end of the day, thier life may be shorter but it is happier.  After all you would keep a tiger indoors all it's life.

  11. I have one indoor and one outdoor.  The indoor is only restricted to the indoors because she is missing a paw, though.

  12. I say they should be kept inside. That way you can't lose your cat and your cat can't get hurt. If you have a backyard, you can cat-proof it so they can't get outside your yard. That way you won't lose your cat.  

  13. My cats have the best of both worlds

    I have 3 cats

    2 strictly are indoor but they are allowed outside under supervision and are not allowed to leave the yard (they're declawed)

    Then there's my miss kitty I would love for her to be indoors, but when we got her and her brother my bf wanted outdoor cats...well Mittins only lasted a year before getting hit by a car and dying. Then we refused to let Miss kitty out, but she would meow horribly so outside she stayed with limitations. She has to be in by sun down and if she doesnt come when we call her to come in she doesnt go out the following day because then she thinks she's allowed out at night.

    The plus side is she doesnt like to go outside in the winter because she hates the snow, which puts me at ease because when she's running across the street she looks like a dirty snowball (she is grey and white) but she always knows when winter is over and meows to go out in the spring

  14. ヒキトメル アナタ ノ ネコワ ナカ

  15. my cat has a choice to go in or out, hes eight years old and has always choose to be inside but this summer hes been sat in the garden alot, never gone over the fence though lol

  16. I found a tiny beat-up cat in the woods one winter, I brought her in for the night for food and warmth, and beginning the next day I let her out in the safety and warmth of daylight in case she remembered (or wanted to remember!) where she came from...she had apparently been living outside for some time, but had obviously once belonged to someone because she was so social.

    Anyway, that was a few years ago, and nowadays she chooses to spend some time outside most days. I worry furiously about what might happen to her outside, HOWEVER, my cat's existence is not for my pleasure or satisfaction. She is her own being and I want her to have peace and happiness. I don't let her go out when a thunderstorm is approaching, because I know that she hates those and she doesn't know how to listen to the weather man. I think that most of the other things she hates she knows how to avoid...she is a fast runner and a good climber (she's also smart and know how to avoid cars, since I live in an apt and my front yard is a parking lot--the back yard is woods and she knows the difference). An animal might get her, and I worry about that, is a tough choice for me, it really is. I grew up with strictly indoor cats who lived very long lives. I'll have to say that my rescued stray kitty 'seems' happier (who know!?), and I feel like we're equals since we both come and go as we please (with the rare exceptions). She is so happy and so loving--I know her years with me may be lessened because I am allowing her to be her true self, but I can't help but think it's the best thing for her (even though losing her one day will break my heart!)-

  17. cats are indoor animals. ikeep them indoors  sothey can freely wander around the house.

    how can you own a cat and not snuggle into bed with it?

  18. I have indoor cats. My first cat was never interested in going outside but when I got my second cat, she always wanted to be outside so I bought her some cat grass and she loves it!  She's not interested in going outside so much anymore. For me that's important because I had an indoor outdoor cat before and she got run over by a car, and I see that so often that I know it's a problem. Also, this way they have less chance to get fleas or worms, and they stay soft and never get dirty! :)

    Answer mine?;...;...

  19. Whatever they want.

    They started out as indoor but now they are both. Gives us and them more freedom. They love it outsides but can come inside for warmth or attention. But also if we leave town we can just make sure there is food and water in the garage. Makes life easy. Plus no litter boxes!!

    And just to be clear, we are totally responsible about it. I know people who let their cats run around getting pregnant or just leave them when moving. We would never do that and are cats are fixed!

  20. My cats have always been kept outside because of my parents, but the cat I have now just showed up the day that we moved into the house we live in now [2 years ago] and has never left, he stays outside but he'll make a run for it to get inside haha. He belonged to a guy down the road that was shipped off to Iraq.

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