
Cats and litter boxes??

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how do u train a cat 2 use a litter box? or do they train themselves?




  1. I have had 6 indoor cats and all of them have just been naturally attracted to it. My last two I got at 3 weeks and 6 weeks old (both strays) and they even went right to it and I never had a problem. My one male cat out of the 6 though stopped using it at about 8 months until I got him neutered and then he went right back to using it. I think cats just naturally want to go in something they can dig into and then bury it in. Beware if you have any houseplants though with a dirt area large enough for them to dig in....

  2. They're attracted to the chemicals in it. For a while you may have to train them, but they learn to use it on their own pretty quick.

  3. normally, you can just show it to them and then they will use it. but make sure you clean it everyday otherwise the will go somewhere else to p**p.

  4. well when i got my kitten whenever i thought he needed to go i would place him in the litterbox and let him feel the litter and sniff it, do this regurarly until he/she knows where to poo and then they just get the hang of it!

  5. keep putting him in it.

  6. Have you put the cat in the litter box?  I took in a stray kitten. The way I got her to use the litter box properly was by following what animal control suggested me to do, put the cat in a cage with the litter box, place to sleep, food, and water. It worked. It took a few days as I remember. She's still in the cage but she's out tomorrow after I take her to the vet. :-)  I had to keep her there for 10 days because she was a stray. She probably has worms.

    But anyway, I digress. Give that a try. You could keep her in a smaller room if you don't have a cage. She should use the litter box. Cats are clean.

  7. i dont have a can i would help if i could i would google it or go to pets mark

  8. usually its the kittens mother tht dus it .

    she is also ment to ween them off hur n onto proper food.

    but ur ment to put the kitten in the litter box every morning as soon as it wakes up, after every meal, after its had a play and b 4 bed.

    praise her if she uses it and she will get the hang of it ;)

  9. you put them in the litter tray when they are kittens and they realise its the best place to go. it can take a week to make sure they dont go elsewhere as well, but thats animals for you. My cat still pees on stuff and uses the floor near the litter tray, but he a proper mard and doesnt like any dirt in the litter tray....

  10. How old is your cat??

    most will use a tray without much tempting.and if its a kitten the mother will of shown it where to go.

    If you want you can all ways .once the cat has eaten,pick it up and place it in the tray. it will get the message.

    Just don't put tray and food near each other. use opposite ends of the room.were possible

  11. with both my kittens all i did was hold their paws and walk them to the litter box(which is in the bathroom) from the living room, put them in it and take their front paws and scratch the litter, and then i walked away. they got curious with the digging and then used it on their own.. ive never had accidents so far, although if one kitten throws too much litter on the floor, then sometimes the other kitten will think thats the litter box and he'll go on the floor. which i think is cute because theyre so naive.

  12. Its quite easy.  Are these new cats to your house, or old cats that are now suppose to use the litter box?  Cats instinctively use litter boxes.  Theres really not much training besides showing the cat where the box is.  Older cats can hold it until the get to the box, but kittens, especially small kittens, tends to not have good bladder control yet, so you will need boxes available in a number of places.

    If the cat knows the house, and its layout, all you need to do is put the cat in the box, and he should just use it when he needs to.  But, you might want to make sure theres a number of boxes available and slowly decrease the numbers

    If this is a new cat to your house, this is the best way to get cat used to your house and litter box.  Confine the cat to one room with a litter box, food, water, and toys.  Once cat seems comfortable, let him out, but leave the box.  Add a few more boxes, making sure you have one in the spot where it will stay.  Then slowly move the box in the bedroom to the one in its finally place.

    Also, the rule is with litter boxes, the number of cats you have plus one.  SO for two cats, you need three boxes.  

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