
Cats and plastic bags?

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can anyone explain why cats like plastic bags so much. they seem so just play around in them and punce on them even if theres nothing




  1. because their light and fly up in the air

    they wonder what they do and have alot of fun out of them but i wouldnt leave them around where he or she could get them.

  2. Our cat frightened himself with a plastic shopping bag.  He put his head through the handle (not tight - no danger) but couldn't work out how to back out of it (yes a cat of little brain).  He ran round the house thinking that this 'monster' was chasing him!

    Didn't stop him playing with them though - but a box has always been the favourite toy and place to sleep

  3. I don't know -- but my silly cat likes to EAT plastic bags.  I routinely find him trying to munch on the plastic edges that stick out around the garbage can.  He is wierd - I've never heard of a cat EATING plastic bags.  But that's my Mars, Kitty Bringer of War :o)

  4. i think its the rustling noise that the bag makes as they go in it that they like about it  

  5. My cat loves them too. I think its cos they make noises and fly around so they can amuse themselves

  6. there a great toy as they fly if the touch it  

  7. my cat loves them too, I cut the handles open so his neck doesn't get caught in it.

  8. I think it is the noise the plastic bag makes. I make knots in the plastic bag and throw t*t and my cat runs after it and brings them back to me so I can throw it again.  

  9. My cats love playing with them, and boxes, polystyrene, etc, all part of being a cat!!!! Its hilarious to see them!!!!

  10. They love paper bags & boxes too. L.O.L! Dont even need any toys, just go to the grocery store & give them the bag! But no, i dont know why that is.
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