
Cats have spirits too, right?

by  |  earlier

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I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday afternoon, and last night as I was laying in bed, still awake, I felt something get on my bed. The blankets got tighter around my legs as if it was standing next to me. It walked over my legs and laid down behind me. I have confidence that this is my cat's spirit sticking around.

Does anyone else believe that cats have spirits that can hang around your home as well?




  1. Its possible especially if you had a particularly close bond with each other. Or it could be a psycological thing as you may be wishing for its company so much that you convince yourself that you can feel it. You have to decide if this feels truly real.  

  2. yesh!

  3. Yes, I definetly do! We put our old cat down and I still feel his presence and him laying next to me and somtimes if I concentrate hard enough I can hear his purr...

  4. sorry about your loss, i've had to put my sick cat down and, it was not easy, but, its the best thing - instead of having the cat suffer. yes, i think they do, as, i've had similar experiences with my kittys that have passed on.

  5. I believe they do have spirits.  

  6. Definitely. Just know she is watching out for you and will always be around. R.I.P to your kitty.  

  7. I do. I sometimes see the shadows of my cats that have passed dart by. I can tell who they are and what they were up to. It's almost as they had never left.

    My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved friend.

  8. Nothing is impossible, who knows maybe it was your kitty!  Cheers!

    Sorry for your loss!

  9. I absolutely believe they do. He probably wanted to comfort you. It's very sweet.

  10. All Sentient beings have spirits

  11. Yes they can. I had a white cat that passed away about 5 years ago. I know she is still around too as things happen that only her could do.

  12. yes and that made me sad i love cats :[

  13. for me... it really depends...

    Yes I think that EVERYTHING on God's green earth has a spirit in which they can comunicate. I think without a spirit we ourselves couldn't feel love, happiness, sadness, anger, or any other emotion...

    However God made us in his image... there are 3 parts to us as there are three parts to Him. A body, a mind (aka, spirit), and a soul...

    I believe that humans are the only ones that God sent His Son to die for.

    Animals were given to us by God for sevral reasons... food, compananship, clothes, shelter, labor... ect. ect.

    As for the lose of your cat, I am so very sorry. I know how painful that is... I have have 6 cats die on me over the years. the reasons range from getting run over to getting poisoned...

    Your heart aches because you miss them so much and knowing that they won't climb in your lap to love on you and to get loved on is a painful thing.

    Again I am sorry for your lose.

  14. Absolutely!  My husband and daughter have felt our cats, jump up on the bed or chair next to us.  We've felt them many times.  The same goes for our dogs, too, one who seems to hang mostly with my daughter, as he did after she was born.  Both of them lay with me at night, seeming even to "push" our new dogs out of the way!  (Our new dogs seem to willingly relinquish their spot).

    It's NOT your imagination!!  Always be sure to acknowledge him - say hi, tell him you know he's there!  I'm so happy you are still visited and feel him - not everyone is open to this and you are sure to get some people who think you are nuts.  But we don't!  Enjoy the spirit of your cat - he'll always visit as long as he knows he is welcomed.

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