
Cats keep getting on the counter and breaking things.... help.

by  |  earlier

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Serious answers only. Don't waste my time listing things that I'm about to tell you I've tried and don't work. Please read my question all the way before answering. Thanks.

Things that DON'T work for my kittens (5 & 3 months):

-tin foil

-lemon juice

spritzing them with water

-knocking them off

-saying down or no

-putting catnip in other places

-double sided tape on the edge of the counter (it's hard to scrape off and it rips out their fur-- mean)

I'm really getting sick of it. It's completely dirty and embarrassing that they keep jumping on the counter. They know it's wrong-- if I look at them in an angry way, they get down right away. If I knock them off, they meow at me and jump right back up when they think I'm not looking. They *like* tin foil-- they play with it. Water doesn't phase them anymore. And catnip only entertains them for about 30 seconds and then they're back on the counter again. I don't leave food out. We wash the dishes as soon as we're done with them.

Why are they so fascinated with the counter top and how can I get them to stay off?

<Without making my kitchen look like a garbage pale with sensors, tape, tin foil, lemon peels, etc.> Thanks =)




  1. Try using negative reinforcement.

  2. cats are just like that. youve tried what you can and theres nothing else you can really do

  3. Snatch them up when they are on the counter, set them down quickly on the floor, then take your finger and flick it hard on their behinds and loudly tell them &quot;NO&quot;. Do this every time and soon they will stop. Everything you are doing so far and even the attitude you bring makes them think it is just a game. Doing what I stated will make them believe you are serious without really hurting them.

  4. You all ready know the answer so I&#039;m sure mine won&#039;t be the right one for you but I will suggest it anyway.

    Put your &quot;breakables&quot; away; put baby locks on your cabinet doors or the next habit you&#039;ll be &quot;freaking out&quot; over is that they learn how to get inside your cupboards; buy a large economy size container of Clorox Wipes or just do what I do and mix a small amount of Clorox Bleach in a spray bottle and fill the rest with water and clean my counters with it and a paper towel 450+ times a day if need be and RELAX!

    Cats aren&#039;t like dogs.  Dogs can be trained to stay down and don&#039;t normally get on counters.  Cats by nature like to get up to the highest points they can possibly climb.  What better place than on counter tops, shelves, dinner tables?  If you really are so upset over your cats getting on the counters then you may have to find a better home for your cat.  Your cat is going to do what it wants to do, and your &quot;knocking it off&quot; out of frustration is cruel.  If you really love the cat, you&#039;ll be willing to work with it, not try to force your desires down its throat.

  5. That is what you get for having cats. Cats are vermin and I wouldn&#039;t eat at your house if I was starving to death. Have fun with the filthy things.

  6. one of the best ways is everytime they do it is you just have to good swat. Ya i know it sounds mean but after the 3rd or 4th time they quit i promise.

  7. i have a cat.

  8. Hi ya, I have a bengal cat (6 months) who was just as determined as your two little scamps are of getting on to the counter. I personally think you are trying too MANY things. They don&#039;t know what you&#039;re trying to achieve.

    Some cats can be trained (I know Bengals can) But they can only learn one command that means one thing.

    So it seems they like to be up high, so their own cat tree would help. But as for the counter and getting them to know they have to get down, I think saying NO or GET DOWN  &quot;together&quot; with that look of yours that seems to work, needs to become your habit. They will catch on, it&#039;s taken me three months to fully teach mine. It just does take patience with saying one thing to them. Don&#039;t be tempted to put them down yourself as this is not them getting down. They just see your picking them up?!

    Knocking them down and then them meowin at you and getting back up again, is just them saying something like &quot;Woah what happened, I fell, see look I can get up again though, see what I did&quot; Looking for praise from their owner.

    Good luck...

    I know how frustrated you must feel, but they just do not get that i&#039;m afraid.  

  9. Just let em up there

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