
Cats talking to one another (Video link is added)..Do cats really talk to each other like this??

by  |  earlier

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I find this really cute and funny but was wondering if cats really communicated to each other like this?!




  1. Yea! My cat tries to talk to me like that but I don't understand.

  2. I do believe cats communicate with each other like that, though I have never personally witnessed it. But those videos are hilarious! Thank you for the great laughs, so hard till I was tearing!

  3. It's not necessarily talking, as I don't think there is a cat language (or humans would have begun to decipher it). Though I do think there is some sort of communication.

    P.S. I think the translated version of the first video is hilarious.

  4. lol

    very cute

    Cats mostly communicate with each other using body language and save the noises for other creatures.  But sometimes they do seem to be chatting.

    I wish mine sounded that cute.  My oldest male and 1 female "chat" frequently, but it sounds horrible. They are both shrill, loud, and keep at it for long periods of time (both are fixed, although sometimes the male seems to think she's flirting, which doesn't work out well when he makes a move on her).  

  5. This is totally adorable!  If my babies talk like this, I sure haven't heard them.  I'm sure they do talk to each other tho in their own language tho.

  6. I LOVE these videos!  I was playing the 2nd one when 1 of my kitties came running in to the computer room, jumped on my lap and started talking to yours!! Funny!! Maybe your 2 are re-assuring each other from being scared of the person snoring in the background of the 2nd video! (Just kidding!)  

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