
Cattle & Livestock help needed..... had a little problem today...?

by  |  earlier

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cattle with out water for about 12 hours, from about 9pm to 9am, i fixed the problem and all cattle were fine..... but here is the problem, it's with the trough. After the trough went dry (water supply issue is fixed) squirrels got in the bottom of the trough, died, ewwwwhhhhhh, icky mess, cleaned the trough flushed it, cattle had alternative water source, and all were fine. Now, when I filled the trough back up -- the water is muddy or rusty kind of brown? hmmm? cannot figure out why-- the water is clear, the tank is galvenized and clean. the storage tank it is stored in, is clean. Pumped a fresh tank, and flushed everything -- it's gotta be the trough - but how? its clean AND galvenized. Hoping it will clear in the morning when i check the heard again, as I do every morning. Has this happened to anyone and do you have any words of wisdom? and now cattle don't seem to be using it.... they are using alternative source -- but its too small to sustain them on a regular basis. Yikes!




  1. I know this might sound silly but have you checked the pipe or hose that fills the trough? If not the only thing is you might need a new trough. I think if it was sitting dry in the sun, it might have been damaged and no longer useful. Hope that helps!

  2. Drain it again..then wash it thouroughly with bleach then drain and fill rinse..and drain then fill again..the cattle/livestock are smelling a bacteria in the water that may possibly be unsafe...It needs sanitized..

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