
Caucasian Babies cost more???

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Has anyone read some of these posts about Caucasian babies costing more for adoption than other races. This is not BECAUSE they are caucasian. This is NOT EBay! The baby doesn't go to the highest bidder. The fees are established before the adoptive parents are even solicited for profiles. The attorneys are required to justify every one of the fees that they charge, and "supply and demand" is not a reasonable justificatiion.

It may be true that some caucasian babies have high costs associated with the adoption. However, I don't think that they are higher than other races of babies.

Does anyone else want to weigh in about this?




  1. I think it depends more upon which agency is used, if they have more of a solid reputation, or possibly if adoptive parents are reimbursing the birth mother's medical and living costs - not like she is "selling" her baby, but if arrangements have been made to pay for her living/medical expenses if she is uninsured. I don't think race really has that much to do with it. Although let's be honest, if a white couple is looking for a white baby, they may be willing to pay for the best arrangement which is guaranteeing they receive the baby of their dreams. I wouldn't say this is the norm though. Most couples who cannot have children or who decide to adopt gp through being foster parents and adopt the children they are given. My cousin has done this 2 times and happened to receive white children, one was 4, one is a baby - they could care less about race, they had lost their only 8 yr old son in a terrible accident (bicycle vs Semi truck) which happened right in front of their house. They wanted more children. They are awesome parents and I am so happy for them, it's like they are finally healing after 4 years.

    Anyhow - think about the costs to adopt a baby from an orphanage in China or Africa or Eastern Europe. If some agencies are actually charging more for caucasian babies, that is a crime. I would doubt very much that this is common place, however. So - there's my 2 cents.

  2. Unfortunately race does play a part in the cost of adoption. Caucasian babies are typically a higher cost. but I have heard of Asian babies being a very high cost also because it is harder to find Asian babies being placed for adoption. African American and bi-racial babies that have African American usually cost less. Most agencies have specific programs for these children with lower cost or grants that are offered. Some agencies have three programs with different cost. Full AA program costing the least, Part AA program costing a bit more than AA, and then all other which cost the most.

    You are right the fees are established before a family is selected, but race is a part of how the fee is established. I think you have it a bit backwards though. CC children are not more because people will pay more for them, it is really the reverse. AA and Biracial is less because unfortunately there are not enough families inters ted in these babies. By lowering the cost agencies are hoping to attract more people for these babies.

  3. Well LC, I have read many of your posts and have agreed with you on many points.  However, this one I am going to have disagree with you.  Children who are African American or Biracial have a lower cost (at least in IL) due to the "damand" or lack thereof.  It is not because the yare black or white it is because there are so many children of this race needing a home and not enough families to adopt them that they actually have a specific program developed in my State that focuses on African American and Biracial babies.  I would have to look that up for you to find out the actual name of the program but I am watching Oprah right now. :)

    OK Oprah very sad today...neded a break so I did my research for you. It is called the Sayers Program. I have sent links of articles and fee schedule and explanations why this program is necessary. Hope it helps

  4. Well, of course it's about supply and demand...if more people want to adopt white babies, there is a higher demand and their price goes up...simple economics.

    The real problem is asking why the demand for white babies is so high?  Is it because more white families are adopting kids and they want to adopt within their own race?  There is nothing so sinister there...most families (notice the most) prefer to adopt within their own race...nobody calls this "racism".

  5. Sorry, but you're very much wrong. MANY agencies have reduced fees for biracial and African American children.

    Linking to an article for you, below.

  6. It's hard to believe it's true, isn't it?! I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't looked at agencies price listings all over the states and seen the differences myself.

    It's one of the many reasons that a lot of us are working really hard to make changes to how adoptions are run in america.

  7. i would like to weigh in on this,....

    some agencies consider non white newborn babies to be "special needs" which lower the adoption fees and rates for the mixed race or non white infants in adoption. So by labeling mixed babies ( which I was ) or non-white babies as higher / special needs, they reduce their fee's and are able to increase the white newborns which are also in highest demand.

    this is a fact, and I have the information to prove it, if you would like it, contact me through here.

    Its, like the first poster said, demand / supply, the agencies are targeting the greatest demand and proffitting off of them considerably. Its why I PERSONALLY believe that private adoptions in the United States should be outlawed as they are in Australia. It would take the "profitting" out considerably.

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