
Caught On Camera , i don't want to lose him , HELP !!

by  |  earlier

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so I'm 17 and i was seeing this boy i had known for a couple of years((18 years old)).

His parents don't exactly like me so i cant go over to his place,

so i arranged to have a romantic dinner at mine but he had to work a night shift in at his dads work.

i went over to met him there.

we went into the office and did it on the copying machine .

the next day i received a call from his dad saying to stay away from his son and that if i was ever caught seeing him again then he would tell my mother!

i knew what he was talking about , but i don't know how he found out .

i phoned my boyfriend to see if he was ok, he picked up the phone but he was whispering , he said that his dad saw it on the camera , then i heard his mum in the background shouting . then he started calling me a pimp and a hoe !!!

i said to him id raver die than do that s**t .

but the thing is that i REALLY like him and i don't want to lose him over is stubborn parents !

what should i do ??




  1. well.

    first of all he's proved that he cares more about his parents than you.

    you need to tell him how you fee and what you would prefer him to do.

    second, you shouldnt be havin s*x with him in an office , next timeyou should cheek that there is no way that you can be seen .

    sexually contact between two people should be special and safe!

    and last , you should do what you feel , try to sit down with his parents and explain how much you love him and get to know them a bit more  . x

  2. tell him to grow a set, and tell his parents to MYOB

  3. he's 18 he can do what ever /who ever he wants , the parents are probably flipping out cause some states almost all: your jail bait to them and that's there baby boy as for caught on tape better be careful it might wind up on the net to ....give it a little while if he is really into you he will call  

  4. he's 18, what can his parents do.. and in the future don't do it at his dad's business!

  5. talk to his parents cuz it wasn't all your idea he could have said no

  6. make sure when you guys are out of high school, that you stay with him. but make sure he loves you enough to accept being rejected by his parents. or else he isnt worth hanging on to. i know, i'm in the same situation, but i'd get disowned for my girl. but she is the one with the pissed off mom.

  7. omg his parents are soooo rude try seeing him behind there backs. like have him say that he is gonna go hang out with some buds and then go see a movie or something. or try to impress his parents. mayb they will give you a second chance with him. good luck!


  8. Copy s*x? On camera?  Wow.. is this posted anywhere on the internet, YET?  

    My advice, forget about it.....  

  9. You don't do anything.

    If he's really into you and it's not just some fling, whatever his parents say will not stop him from seeing/talking to you.

    Just wait n see what he does/says.

    Good Luck. It seems like you really like him. Hopefully the feeling is returned.

    If he blames his parents that he cant see you... he's a dog and you don't need to waste your time!!!!  

  10. OK... i totally know what your going through i had to sneak around with my boyfriend AT FIRST..... then things changed i told my parents that there was nothing they could do and if they didn't wanna loose a daughter then they shouldn't be so judgemental... and they should think about how i really feel about him, and not how they feel about him. If this guy likes you like you like him then he should tell his parents the same thing..{{ its not always how they feel about someone}}

    Good luck... i hope it works out for the best!!!

  11. I wish they sold backbones at Walmart. Talk about a wuss. I truly don't think you want to be with someone who does not have your back and not way back. I dislike this in trait in some guys, nothing to do unless he puts his foot down or opens his mouth or something.

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