
Caught by the mike?

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How dumb was it of Jesse Jackson to get caught like that? Should he not b backing Obama instead of attacking him?




  1. i think its sad that happen to him of all people, but he was frustrated about Obama's stand on the issues of the Black Family life. and it was a figure o speech (sort of) that he wanted to cut Obama's nuts off. and yes he does support Obama, but it does not mean he cant disagree with his policies.

  2. I agree totally with Janice - Jesse Jackson has ALWAYS represented ugliness - not a nice man at all,  he's just ugly inside.

    I also agree with John B, his true colours are showing up - but we have  seen his true colours before.

    If i can be blunt and right to the point - Jesse Jackson has his own agenda, and always does whatever furthers his own purpose -- sorry to say it but this is what i see.

  3. Perhaps he is showing his true colours?

  4. I think Jackson is jealous of how well Obama is doing in the election.  I was only in my teens when Jackson ran for president and I remember that he didn't do very well.

  5. i would have thought so.

  6. Kinda reminded me of a gossipy old woman.  Puts the good face on in public, but smears the person behind their back.  I'm neither an Obama or a McCain fan.  But Ugly is Ugly and Jackson has always represented "ugly" to me.   Quite a few folks have been caught on mike when they didn't know it was on.  Bush for one.   It was more just personal silliness, between him and the former prime minister of England. Not a smear.  I was very impressed with the response Jackson's son gave to the incident.  Jackson is something of an embarrassment to his son.
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