
Caught last night with no auto insurance in KY...

by  |  earlier

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It's my first offense and i must report to court. How hefty a fine am i looking at? Will I lose my license or anything like that? points?




  1. Just as long as you show proof of insurance it shouldn't be to high. I work for an insurance company in Missouri and we are not that harsh on people that don't have proof of auto insurance i know it varies state to state.

  2. Buy insurance ASAP, that way the judge will be easy on when you go to court. Tell the judge you had some financial issues and you had to drive to get back and forth to work. But buy some cheap insurance today and take it to court when you go. It worked in Pennsylvania, but not sure how it goes in Kentucky.

  3. If you kill yourself you won't have to deal with it....

  4.   Hope fully it will be jail time loose of your license and a huge fine that

    way you will remember to have insurance when you drive. It is not a  matter of choice it is the law.

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