
Caught my 12 y/o niece going thru my wallet. She wasn't aware I was watching. How should I handle this?

by Guest63072  |  earlier

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Caught my 12 y/o niece going thru my wallet. She wasn't aware I was watching. How should I handle this?




  1. Sit your niece down and talk to her about the consequences of stealing. If she admits it, and don't be surprised if she denies it, even though you let her know you saw her, talk to her about invading your personal stuff. Don't go pointing fingers and yelling, that will most likely put her on a harder defense. Let's hope that talk gets through to her, if it doesn't that , it will grow, and you won't be the one giving her this conversation; The police will.

  2. i would be kind and explain to her that it isnt polite to go through othewrs belongings and ask her never to do it again and tell her if she does it a gain you will tell her parents.

  3. The thing to look at is: was anything taken ? If not, perhaps she had a strong desire just to see what was in there. Young people often do things for reasons that seem silly because of their extreme desire to act or appear older and grown up. I might sit on this one a bit. You know not to leave your things out now. Keep a closer eye on the girl, she might be in some kind of trouble. Later, after you've had a bit of time to look her over, you might mention it, in such as a way to extend a hand to her. You might ask if she needs money and what she would use it for. You can even offer her some, if that was the issue. It may have been something entirely different though.

  4. first, see how much money she took (if she took any). then, go up to her, and say, "niece, im missing 5$ (or how much she took), do you have it?" if she gives it to you, hide your wallet and tell her to please not go through your stuff again. if she doesnt give it to you, confront her and demand the money back.

  5. You have an opportunity to teach her right from wrong.  As her aunt you can talk to her, ask her what she was doing, and use this experience to help guide her.

  6. Tell her mother

    and let her moth handle it

    and if her her mom doesn't want to handle it

    you tell the girl you saw her

  7. To tell you the truth, when I was young, I think about 8- I took my aunts wedding ring. She got divorced and she kept it in her jewellery box. I didn't realise it was her wedding ring- I just liked they way it looked and though she didn't need it cos she wasn't wearing it.

    My aunt didn't say anything to me, she told my mum (her sister) and my mum confronted me about it. I was really embarrassed and denied it, but then mum found the ring where I hid it.

    I had to return the ring and appologise. My mum explained why it's wrong to take other people's things.

    We all have to learn in life. If you trust your brother/sister to do the right thing about their daughter- talk to them. Don't do through the child- it's not your job to discipline them and you might ruin your relationship with your niece.

  8. well first comes the question why

    why is she doing that?

    she is doing it because she thinks it is okay to do it

    she needs to change from within talk to her calmly

    tell her you saw her and that you were dissapointed at her

    it is important for her to know that you are dissapointed

    that what she is doing is wrong, stealing can form into a habbit wich can ruin her life

    tell her that good values such as not stealing not lying beign morally correct is the most important asset that a person can have because it brings us a clean bright future

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