
Caught speeding. 59mph in a 30 limit?

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Was just wandering if anyone has had similar, I know it falls into the bracket of doing more than 23 to 29 mph over the limit. But am confused as to whether I will get a fixed penalty of 6 points or whether it has to go to court. And will i get a ban? Really worried and ashamed. I really really didnt realise i was going that fast so please no horrid responses as I feel bad enough.




  1. The speed limit signs are there for a reason, if you have a manual gear change use the middle pedal,it does slow you down automatic it is the pedal on the left

  2. 3 months in prison for doing double the speed limit in a built up area.

    And then a re-test on release.

  3. I don't even have a driver's license, but I had to respond to your situation because I know how badly you feel right now, inside. Whatever the outcome, whatever the terms of the settlement, promise yourself to take yourself out to dinner or some other kind of treat to boost your self-esteem afterward. Find a good friend, and the two of you go out to lunch together, to help ease that sense of shame or anxiety you might be feeling right now. We all go through things like this. It's not just you. It's almost kind of like a "rite of passage." We all make mistakes. Believe me. I forgive you right here and now. So you don't need to feel or be ashamed with me.

    This is a passing situation, even though right now, because you are so upset, the minutes seem like hours that are dragging slowly on and on, it will at some point be something you have reckoned with and put behind you. As my mother used to tell me when I was upset, "It didn't come to stay, it came to pass." You will get through this. You will endure. You will be okay. And life will go on and you will be through with it. You need to hear these words right now when you are upset because they will help to restore a sense of balance to some extent and also let you know in clear English that a total stranger who is 64 years old is reaching out to you as sincerely as possible to help bolster you up during a tough time. This is only a bump in the fabric of your life. It is no more than that. Brace up and see if you can find some way to relax a little. Have you called a friend, just to help you calm down a little - ? That always works for me. Sharing it when you are upset helps to quiet everything down...

  4. Wow, you are lucky you didn't get arrested, how do you not know that you are doing double the speed limit? You should just get the points and a fine. I don't know how it will work the points you have now, they should still expire, and I doubt that you will have to go to court.

  5. How can you not realise you were doing almost double the speed limit? I don't drive, but I can tell when a car is going faster than others.  Why do you think there are speed limits? It is for the safety of everyone not just an inconvenience to you.  If you had hit someone you would have killed them and it would have been a case of death by dangerous driving.  People like you just don't care about other people only themselves.  You will probably go to Court and I hope you get banned, but that is unlikely, I hope they hit you hard.  Unfortunately it will probably only be your pocket that will suffer, and you will probably be able to pay the fine off at a pound a week, but  I'm sure you'll get over it quickly, and will be able to tell all your friends about the experience. Don't do it again!!

  6. I am sure all you will get is fixed penalty.  You will not get a ban unless you already have points on your licence. You will not need to go to court unless you dispute the citation. Don't do it again!

  7. so you were doing 59 in a 30? Nearly TWICE the posted limit? Second offence. You want people to be sympathetic?

    Exactly what kind of response do you want?

    As if the speeding was not enough it's the whining about getting caught that really offends.

    grow up.

  8. t**t! hefty fine and 6 points as standard,try and keep it out of court if poss!!

  9. If you were caught by a camera, whoever the car is registered to should get a form through, in which they're asked the person driving the car at the time.

    The form MUST be filled in by law, but there's no law to force the person who fills it in to sign it, meaning it can't be used in court of law as evidence of you speeding.

    Dunno if it'll help you in any way, but it's worth a shot, I guess.

  10. i didnt realise i was doing nesrly twice the speed limit......

    that will be 6 points for driving without due care and attension ......  so its not just a speeding ticket.

    it sounds like you will be going to court if you didnt get a fixed penelty fine.

    lots of people get caught speeding , some get there rist slapped and others get propper stung,

    just hope the magestrate is in a good mood


  12. i got caught doing 52mph in a 30

    i got 6 points and a £313 fine

    it will be seen by a magistrate and you have the option to be present or not i was advised to go although i don't think they liked my face judging by the fine i know of people caught dd that got fined less than me.

  13. Take the fine and points or ban. You deserve it

  14. Anyone who speeds in built-up areas is scum.

  15. u shouldn't be ashamed or worried u went over the speed limit

    my uncle gets flashed he doesn't worry or feel ashamed don't listing to people that say bad things ure get what u get.

  16. Sounds like it was the police who caught you & I take it you didn't get a fixed penalty notice on the spot. You will, therefore, receive a summons to court.  

    Any points you may get will only apply at and from that moment in court, so if your previous points are no longer valid for "totting up" at that time they will not matter from that point of view.

    You "really didn't realise" you were driving at nearly twice the speed limit . . . yersss, that's going to impress the magistrates!

  17. oh dear. easily done though. i'm sure you will soon get a letter to advise you of what will happen. if you cant wait, contact your local police station for advice.

  18. write as much bull as you can and plead ignorance .

    courts have much other things to deal with

    try it > if you failpay the fine . if you win pay me £10 lol

  19. There is now a precident. You can do what Peter Hain is doing and claim that it was an "honest mistake".

    If a Cabinet Minister can loose track of £103,000 and expect people to let him off because he says he's sorry then I'm sure that you can use that in your defence.

    Yes, you were a pillock and actually run the risk of disqualification because being nearly 2x the limit is something the 'beaks' take seriously. But I have to admit that there is a double standard operating.

    It always has been thus between the rulers and the ruled.

  20. Well you deserve all you get.  At 30mph over the speed limit, it is an instant automatic loss of license.  So 1mph under - you do the math.

    6 points I'd say and hefty fine, and should be more!

    Twats like you killed my wife and daughter

  21. Contact the judge that will preside over your case.

    Also, find out who the prosecuting attorney will be and call him at his office.

    They are just people, and the worst they can say is "no." You have nothing to lose at this point.

    Plead your case to either of them, but do not be a pest and be consistently apologetic for the lengths to which you are going to get out of your ticket.

    You must be sincere, or don't bother going at all.

    Usually, your primary concern is keeping your ticket off your insurance.

    Many times, court clerks have the authority to let you go to driving school and keep the ticket off your record.

    Sometimes you have to pay court costs and the ticket, but at least your insurance premiums aren't going up. This completely depends on the court.

  22. I caught stopped, (pulled over by the actual police)  For doing 90mph, on the motorway.

    Heres the catch im an R driver an should only have been doing 45mph max, well needless to say they r taking me to court and i am completely panicking about it.

    This happened 5 months ago, an theres isnt a day goes by that i dont think about it.

    Please dont listen to all those other twats saying nasty things, (wat r they perfect) i strongly doubt it.

    Its very easy to do, an i bet u have went over 30mph from it.  Because i havent either.

    I could never pass my test again its way to hard to do now, so im just really really hoping they dont take my licence.  Anyway im rabbling on, good luck for watever happens, but im sure u'll b ok.


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