
Caught wild raccoon, what now?

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I caught my chicken killing raccoon in a live trap last night. Now what do I do with it? I need to know either how to kill it painlessly without giving myself rabies, or someone to hand him off to, thanks.




  1. get a gun. Shoot it in the head. quick and painless. Or, u culd drive faaaaarrr away and release it. but it may come back.

  2. take it about 10 miles from where you are and release it.

  3. call the animal control and maybe it'll tell you what to do. and if you seriously have to kill it, uh, put it in a box. it's the least bloody way.

  4. Okay,since I wouldn't have the heart to even tell you to kill it,how about put it in a box and leave it a the doorstep of someone across town,it'll be their problem who knows maybe you'll be giving it a nice home

  5. call local ASPCA

  6. have you tried taking it out for dinner and asking it nicely to stay away.if this fails UPS it to a different state

  7. Forget "painless" - you not getting rabies or fleas is the most important part.

    You obviously don't have a gun, so I'd spear it with something long and sharp until it's definitely dead. Then wait a few hours for the fleas to leave its cold body before you dispose of it.

  8. What is wrong with you people? I completely sympathies with you as a chicken holder, but a raccoon has a right to live to. It probably sees your chicken as easy prey. Call animal control. If your county does not have a animal control, call the sheriff's department, they pick it up, let it check by a vet, and release it somewhere outside of town. Even if you think, you got rid of your chicken thief, you probably will attract another predator. Keep a watch dog, That should solve your problem.

  9. call animal control and ask them, they may advise you to release it but if not you may need to break its neck. or cut its throat.

  10. Let it go far away from where you are. Take it to a vet and put it to sleep

  11. If you live on a farm you must have a 22 rifle. Shoot it behind the ear and then either bury it or through it out back for the crows. The crows will recycle it for you.

  12. Shoot the chicken killin' b*****d!

  13. you can cover the bag with a tarp or box, more airtight the better, then run a hose (flexible dryer hose costs a few bucks) from your car exhaust for about 10 minutes to suffocate it.

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