
Cause and effect of using dynamite fishing..?

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why do fishermen use dynamite??instead of net.,(cause and effect)




  1. The shockwaves from the explosion stuns the fish and you just scoop them up. This is terrible to the water system as it blows a large hole in the bottom, ripping up vegetation, killing bait fish, forcing noxious gases into the water and leave a large amount of chemicals floating about.

  2. I ofen use good ole dinomite  ta fish CAUSE they aint bitin on nufin else

    It has EFFECT my hearin somewhat cause I can't hear my wive yellin no moe but that its self aint bad.

    Now one time I was dinomitin down in the holler in Ben Johnsons crik and the government man came and axed me why I was doin just that and when I said back "Cause they aint bitin today"that did Effect my freedom for 90 days,though it did get me away from my wive and dem kids of hers.

  3. Back in the old days, some of the old timers, including my great, great granddad used dynamite to fish with. They would toss the dynamite overboard and scoop up the fish that would get stunned and float to the top- one summer day, the dynamite in my grandfathers boat exploded for some reason, and only a few pieces of him could be recovered- a sad but true tale from days long ago. The moral of this story is don't use dynamite to fish with

  4. Fisherman would use dynamite rooting from ignorance and carelessness. This will severely damage the water quality. If you want fish to float up without killing them, look more into electrofishing (as the DNR do). It's pretty interesting stuff and pretty illegal on public water.

  5. Umm........ play with dynamite you get hurt !

    Fish with dynamite go to Jail !!

    Moral of this story don't F**K with dynamite !!!

  6. cause u aint got time to use a rod and reel if u r good at throwen you get lots of fish

  7. First of alll..IT IS ILLEGAL.....

    what happens , is the dynamite blows, shocks the fish, they float to the top of the water and you net them....before they come to..


  8. Game warden heard I been fishing with dynamite. Met me at the boat launch one morning and ask if he could ride along. I told him sure and off we went to my favorite spot. Iknowed what he was up to. So I pulles out a stick O dynamite lights the fuse and throws it out there. The Game warden jumps up and starts with you know it's against the law. I'd done lit another stick handed it to him said You Gona Fish Or What

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