
Cause for concern?

by  |  earlier

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I started tking antibiotics today for a tooth problem in which I have to have root canal surgery performed.

I was in absolute agony and they gave me amoxicillin and I have started taking the tablets today; took two upto now.

I took the first tablet at 7am this morning and the 2nd one at 2pm - but whilst not in any major discomfort, I have noticed that the left hand side of my face / the jaw the chin and up the face where the problem is, has gone sort of tighter, a little swollen and more tender than the unaffected side of my face.

Just wondered if you could please advise if this is a cause for concern.





  1. No this is normal.

    You need to  continue taking the meds, Your body is reacting to it, because it's beginning to do it's work. The swelling goes down but the medication has to get enough of it into your system in order to get the effects you're hoping for. Just stay away from a lot of sugar or extremely cold things at this point.

    Believe me I've had a lot of mouth work and root canals done in my life. The healing process is just beginning for you.

    Then you will feel a difference once you get  through the meds and the work and treatments are done.

  2. You're dying.

    Write your will or call the ambulance.

  3. The antibiotics are starting to work.  Before having the root canal, go to and type in root canal.

  4. no it is normal, the swelling should go down after two or three days, if not then you should consult your dentist or GP.
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