
Cause of This Diarrhea?

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So far today, I've eaten seasoned-curly fries, a 24oz. shake, and about 4 scoops of ice cream, and a Coke. (don't worry; there was a separation of time between the shake and ice-cream)

Anyway, I just recently had a short bout of watery-stool.

I was pretty sure that it was caused from too much sugary food-stuff.

I always make sure to practice washing my hands and keeping clean, so I'm pretty sure that the diarrhea was caused by too much sugar from the food I recently ate.

Am I correct?




  1. geez it might be a lack of basic nutrition and all the sugar and oil you eat.

    you might want to try a vegetable or two or maybe even some fiber..i heard they're good for you.

    common sense man.  

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