
Cause of gas smell....?

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I have a 97 Chevy Cavalier and a while ago I started to get these smells coming inside the car. It wouldn't be all of the time. Last year I had the spark plugs replaced and a month ago one shot out because it was stripped. They put something in it to rethread it and it was all better but now I have that smell of gas when I am driving. It's worse when I am driving for a while and then come to a stop and start again. What can cause a gas smell to come inside the car and what am I looking at to repair? Any kind of suggestions is appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Try looking around the engine for leaks, i think it might be a fuel leak.

    the smell will be just coming in through the vents.

  2. If it started just after the spark plug hole repair, then take it back to the mechanic that did the work. I could be fuel is leaking at the fuel injector rail which is very close to this repair area. He may have removed a hose or an the injector rail to gain access to the spark plug. Leaking fuel is very dangerous.  

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