
Cause of my mood swings? or cure?

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i have pretty bad mood swings almost daily. im not pregnant & its not PMS. its all the time. one minute i will be having the best day ever, then out of nowhere snap & get really drumpy or sad. i sometimes just cry for no reason at all. its starting to become a problem with my work & my social life. i work in customer service, so when i suddenly get grumpy for no reason it has an impact on how i treat customers (which is not a good thing). my boyfriend is very patient with me, but i know it is wearing on him & i know i can keep snapping at him. the thing is, is that i dont realize i do it until after i do it, then i have to apologize. im on birth control that is supposed to help with mood swings, but it doesnt. i have been on it over a year, so i dont think it is the cause. they have just started to get bad recently. HELP please!! its like torture




  1. Sounds like depression, sounds like you need to find a professional evaluation and start treatment.  If you are taking various medications, you need to have their interactions evaluated.  Your birth control pills may be affecting your moods- it happens.  Ask your doc for ask much help as possible.

  2. See a doctor and get a thorough check up. I am sure a doctor can help you feel better. Good luck to you.  

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