
Causes of lower back pain and tips 2 prevent it??

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im 20 years old (which some of my co workers tell me is 2 young 2 be having back pains). i am a stocker at safeway which involves lifting boxes/cases that weigh from 5-40 lbs, sometimes working the cash register, a lot of repetitive motions, always standing, etc. (graveyard shift by the way)

after a long hard day i feel very tired but my back doesnt hurt, it just feels tired and kind of tingly. but when i lay down 2 sleep my lower back REALLY hurts, when i am stretched out on my bed. after a few minutes the pain goes away though. but either way i dont think its good for me in the future.

most of the time i wear a back brace and i know how 2 properly lift (but sometimes i get lazy and need 2 get work done fast). i dont stretch before or after work, but i was told that it might help. also my co workers that work the register for 8 hours tell me their back hurts from standing all the time.

is the cause being on my feet for many hours?? improper lifting?? and what could i do 2 try and prevent or fix the pain???




  1. The repetitive motion is what's killing you.  Yeah they tell you to wear the belt and stuff but still work work work is not gonna help much.  You are too young to be going thru something like this.....if I were you I'd find another job that is not so stressful on your body.  The longer you keep doing this the more stress you are putting on your body and in the long run its going to be harder.  

  2. 20-years-old is certainly not too young to have back problems, I had them at that age from football and wrestling injuries. Taking a shortcut and improperly lifting is bad news, forget about doing that any more. The back brace is an excellent idea, just make sure you have the exact right one for your back and not a stock issued one. It may cost a bit of coin, but will really be worth it in the long run because you are right, it gets worse with each passing year. Use google and ask for exercises to strengthen the lower back muscles and stretching exercises especially before work will help. If it gets bad enough see a Doctor for muscle relaxers, Flexaril seems to be the best I've found and has almost no side effects. Good Luck

  3. do yoga

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