
Causes of this nfp...BCOP, GBHP, CFHP?

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Glomerular Blood Hydrostatic Pressure =42

Blood colloid osmotic pressure=27

Capsular filtrate hydrostatic Pressure= 15

what are some causes of this? all help is appreciated, greatly.




  1. You are describing the various pressures acting at the glomerulus, the net results of which is the Net Filtration Pressure (NFP).

    In the big picture, Net Filtration Pressure determines the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), which is the most important measure of kidney function.

    To answer your questions specifically:

    1. Normal GBHP is around 40-60 mmHg, so 42 is in the normal range.

    2. Normal BCOP is around 18 mmHg, so 27 represents a higher-than-normal osmotic pressure, possibly caused by having too much proteins (or other osmotically active substances like x-ray dye) in the blood.

    3. Normal CFHP (sometimes known as Bowman's space hydrostatic pressure) is around 10 mmHg, so 15 is also a bit high, possibly due to blockage of urine flow, such as a kidney stone or an enlarged prostate.

    Hope this helps.

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