
Caves found on Mars. If death is found there, will there be ghosts that haunt the planet?

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Maybe the Martians moved underground and if so, they die over the years. Do they produce ghostly spirits?




  1. Can we try to find LIFE first, before we start looking for evidence of DEATH?

  2. Wow, that is conjecture upon conjecture upon conjecture. In the world of imagination, anything is possible.

  3. I am answering this because it brings up an interesting point. The real question is, do things that die become ghosts?

    First, its near impossible to prove that ghosts haunt this planet, finding a ghost on mars would be impossible with little robotic machines that we send there.

    Lets assume that we know for certain that there is such a thing as a ghost.

    There is no indication that ghosts were once living people, or in this case martians. If they are beings of any kind, they were never human.

    The concept of a dead person being earthbound is an old wives tale perpetuated by hollywood and known fake psychics like John Edwards and Sylvia Browne. Of course they make thier money cleaning up on people who take for granted that ghosts are dead people.

    The only ghosts that seem to resemble former people are the type that are seen performing repetitive movements over and over. Because of this, many people believe that these ghosts are just illusions of some kind, like a mirage, maybe a mirage in time or some weird phenomena that we havent figured out yet.

    So, in conclusion, no there wont be ghosts of dead martians on mars, even if there was intelligent beings inhabiting the planet at some point in time.

    However, if spiritually based creatures exist, it is possible that there are some living on mars.

  4. maybe and maybe they are called the ghosts of Mars!lol!

  5. There are some who say those so-called martians and their ghosts moved here to this planet.Whatever.

  6. Caves are mostly natural -- not made by an form of life.

    There is no evidence that there is, or ever was, life on Mars.

    Therefore there is no evidence that there was intelligent life on Mars.

    There is no evidence of ghosts here on earth.

    Have you been reading too much spooky science fiction?

  7. Presumably this is a joke question?  Ghosts and hobgoblins etc. are confabulations made up for children, in the same realm as the tooth fairy and Father Christmas.  And there is no evidence of intelligent life (humanoid or otherwis) ever existing on Mars.

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