
Cavic beat Phelps, didn't he?

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I mean, Cavic touched the wall 1st ,right?

Has this now tarnished Phelps' fantastic achievements?




  1. i'm sorry i have to target one person but "lilly", get over it.

    the facts were there, the footage was there, the motion sensors were there. Phelps won.

    Also, Cavic was bad mouthing Phelps before the race anyway, saying it would be good for the sport if Phelps lost. Not so much the humble, honest Olympian now, is he?

  2. No, Phelps achievements are not tarnished.

    However, I'm surprised that he's made two mistakes now and he still has accomplished all golds.

    He didn't properly adjust his goggles prior to the 200 Fly and thus swam the race with them full of water, and he still won with a new WR.

    Now, he misjudges the wall and has to take a half stroke? I've NEVER seen him make that mistake before. As a butterflyer I know that he has to adjust 15-20 meters out so that doesn't happen. In my opinion this was a BIGGER mistake, and he STILL won.

    This is history that we'll not see before.

    Thanks for the question.


  3. Nope. Phelps won by .01 seconds :) It was an amazing race.

  4. no, phelps won by, like, almost nothing. phelps was second, but came back in around about his last stroke and touched the wall first...but only just! he's still in the run for the 8 gold medals! GOOD LUCK PHELPS!!!!!!

  5. No. Phelps won fair and square. The touch pads and under water cameras don't lie!

    Its impossible to see with the naked eye, but with help of electronic timing eqipment it is clear that he won. He threw himself forward towards the finish, unlike Clavic who just "slid" in.. =)

  6. We all want Phelps to win.. We all like him and he is one of the greatest athletes now days... but when I was watching the game, I really thought Cavic won. I saw it... I am kinda sad right now, I thought that sport is the thing where everything ought to be fair... But also happy cause Pheleps got the medal!

  7. No. If you look closely, Cavic stretches to reach the wall, while Phelps kind of punches the wall to touch first. But Cavic was physically ahead (closer to the wall than Phelps). But Phelps, with those long arms, was able to reach the wall first.

    It was very very close, but Phelps seemed to have out -touched him. The sensors back it up.

  8. This is what Cavic had to say a couple of minutes ago on his website:


    Written by Milorad Cavic  

    Saturday, 16 August 2008

    I did it!!! I won an Olympic medal everybody! I’m sorry to brag, but I’m sure you all will forgive me just this one time!

    So, allow me to clear some things up:

    1.The Media’s Manipulation and Misinterpretations: It never ceases to amaze me that garbage that reporters will come up with in order to make a story. Seriously. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I’m very respectful of others. I’ll admit that I’ve got bad blood with one person in the world, but that’s really it. I would never do anything to trash my competitors with seriousness, or to belittle them. If you were there to hear my media interviews, you’d know how much respect I’ve got for Michael Phelps. For a lot of reasons though, its easy to see why many reporters would pick up on anything negative and use it to support their imaginations. Am I a bad guy? No, not even close. I’ve got no criminal record, never got in trouble in school for anything (ever), and never got into a fight. Hate me for having some disagreements about some foreign policies, or for posting up some fast times, but I’m anything but a punk. I’m cool with all of my competitors that have even met me for a second. I like to think I’m easy going and easy to talk to… don’t imagine reasons to hate on me.

       2. On winning a SILVER medal: I am completely happy, and still in complete disbelief that I was able to achieve this feat! I’m not joking… It’s a tough loss, but I’m on cloud nine. I congratulated Phelps and his coach Bob Bowman. I’m just glad the race was fun to watch for everyone. It was a pleasure for me, really.

       3.Filing a Protest: Yes, as you all saw, I almost won the Gold, and if you ask me, the clock does not lie. I had nothing to do with this filing, and neither did my coach Mike Bottom. This is just another attack on my coach who has done never wronged anyone in swimming, except coach foreign athletes (non-Americans) to Olympic medals. You all have to understand that any coach would have done this for their swimmer if there were any possibility of error, but I’m sorry to disappoint, it was my Olympic committee and swimming staff who did the filing. We’re not “sour grapes” and we’re not “pissed”… If you ask me, it should be accepted and we should move on. I’ve accepted defeat, and there’s nothing wrong with losing to the greatest swimmer there has ever been.

       4.So what now? People, this is the greatest moment of my life. I’ve finally achieved what I’ve worked so hard, and for so long to do. Let me enjoy this for a little while. I’m going back to Belgrade for a year after the Olympics. Its time to take a break and figure out the next thing to do!

    So, story is closed now

  9. No, Cavic came first! Here is the proof!

  10. Phelps DEFINATELY lost. Phelps touched the sensor before Cavic, but Cavic touched a NON-SENSORED part of the wall before Phelps did and therefore Cavic won. The real winner is not who touches the sensor first,but who touches ANY PART of the wall first.

    The ONLY way Phelps could have won is if the CAMERAS LIE.

    On the live footage Phelps DEFINATELY LOST.

    I have it on my dvr. The only way video will show Phelps winning is if it's doctored. The overhead view shoed Cavic CLEARLY WINNING. The underwater view was closer but still showed Cavic winning.

  11. They are just trying to tell a big story about Mihcael Phelps, but today we saw who is faster!




  12. No, Micheal Phelps beat Milorad Cavic. Cavic lost to Phelps by .01 seconds. It was a very close fight. Now, Phelps has one more chance to get another gold medal to complete 8, and that's tomorrow, August 17, 2008.

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