I've never had a cavity before, and I just found a bunch this morning, well at least I think they are cavities. and I don't have insurance, so I'm going to have to work a lot to be able to afford an appointment and get them filled(and get a crooked wisdom tooth pulled) I've never been to the dentist before so I know nothing about pricing, I know it varies. but approximately, how much would it cost for each filling and pulling a wisdom tooth out? and how much time do I have to save money before I MUST go get them checked? A month maybe? also can they pull out a wisdom tooth that isn't out all the way? is it painful?
does it cost anything to just make an appointment to get it all checked?
I live in seattle if that helps
I have so many questionss, sorry all the Q's are everywhere, if you can just give as much info as possible that would be nice!
haha I've even scared to eat, I don't want to make these cavities worse..