
Cavs and wizards trade?

by  |  earlier

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  1. all yo are doing is sawpping hte ocre of two teams so they would be like they were on  same team juust differnt uniforms

  2. Well, i think that you did a pretty good job on this.

    What i think is that Cleveland wouldn't want to part with it's MegaStar.

    But talent wise- very even!

  3. It's pretty good but i think the cavs are getting the better end because your putting Lebron on a team with no support, even less then before. While the Cavs are getting a strong point in Arenas and a great small forward in Butler. If You put Deshawn in the back and have Varejaro and Jamison upfront it could work.

  4. The cavs get a waaay better deal but that would never ever ever ever happen.not only because of the salaries

  5. the machine it worked, but now arenas has a new contract that is i think around 6 years for 100 something million, and is probably more then lebrons it won't go through (and even if it did, it's an odd trade)

  6. it actually seems pretty good to me

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