
Cavy experts please i need help now.?

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i called everywhere trying to find an open vet. please help me. my piggie got it's head stuck in the grids of the cage. i calmed him down and he managed to get his head out but now i don't know if hes ok. he seems ok but i'm so scared. what should i look for, where should i take him, please help me




  1. Okay, your question is in the wrong section, but I uderstand panic and looking ANYwhere to get help...

    But, I'm gonna assume you mean Guinea pig, and not a Pot belly!

    First, now that he's loose from the bars, let him alone, and let him calm down.  Don't handle him too much (at all).  Watch him close, and let him calm down.  His lil heart was just a'racing, so - it could take up to 1/2 hr. for him to stop being skittish, and for you SEE if he's okay...

    Watch and see if it looks like he hurt himself.  Is he acting normal, after you let him calm down?

    I don't know your pig; you will know if its better to hold him right now, or put him back in the cage (I HATE bar cages for this reason, and kept mine in tanks & tunnels).

    Talk to him.  Just be friendly, and concerned, and let him feel secure, and out of threat.

    Pet him through the door, or on your lap, is this doesn't make him more spooked.  If you are holding him, then drape a towel over him with his head barely exposed, for security.  If he backs up in it to hide - let him.

    If he's really spooked, no matter what you do, just put him back in the cage, but keep talking calmly to him.  If he's not hurt, he will calm down.

    There is no way to fix his neck, if he did get injured, than to let your vet help you.  So, just YOU be calm firstly, and then you talk/soothe, and calm him.

    If YOU are upset - he will sense this, and stay in a panic.  So, act like it's just every day, and talking to him calmly.  Take a couple deep breaths if you need to, to calm YOU first.

    If he isn't looking much better in 1/2 -1 hr., then get him to your vet as soon as you can.  In the meantime, be sure he's safe and feels secure, and that he can't get his head stuck again.

    I sure hope the lil guy recovers from his fright soon, and no injury happened.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  2. just check the whole neck to head area. make sure there are no open wounds. as long as there are no open wounds, he'll be ok. jus try to get him checked out tomorrow. try rubbing his neck to relieve any slight pain he might have.

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