
Caylee Anthony, DNA evidence???

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Has any of the DNA evidence that was taken from the trunk been reported yet?




  1. NO..... I am patiently waiting just like you! I wish they would hurry and release it. I saw early while I was doing my regular checkup on the news channels that they may release it sometime today. If I hear anything I will notify you!  

  2. I read that by this time, they should have been able to examine the DNA and gotten results. Maybe that means they examined the sample and did not find any evidence of decomposition. The investigators are still putting a lot of money into the missing person search. If they had confirmed that Caylee was not alive, I think they would call off the search. I hope that my instinct on that is correct because I hope nothing happened to that sweet little girl!!

  3. They said last night on some of the shows nancy grace etc..that the police may not want her to know what they have due to wanting her to give up more information so i think they are holding it off as long as possible due to the fact they are expecting mom to speak.good luck w that.

    Mari i agree my worst nightmare would be that her mom has done something to her..on her uncle lees my space there was a scared picture of caylee wanting her mom and someone left the comment saying the only person who doesn't scare her is her mom..

    how ironic is that if shes the one who took her life?i cant imagine it makes me sick to my stomach.

  4. When I look at Caylee's big brown eyes my heart aches.

    Officials confirmed they have Caylee Anthony's DNA at a news conference Monday evening(aug. 4th)."When it is appropriate, we will do what is necessary to further this case. We will not discuss results individually regarding any item that is returned to us," Orange County Sheriff's Office Capt. Angelo Nieves said. Air samples from the car’s trunk are being tested for human remains. Hair found in the car matched Caylee's DNA. It was not stated where in the car the hair was found. DNA results from the trunk have been turned over to investigators. But have not been released to the public.

    With this information, in my opinion, the day they release the information will be the day they charge Casey, the mother, with murder. Investigators are building a case against her. Waiting for her to incriminate herself more than she already has and sadly, looking for that little girl's body. For justice to be served Casey has to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt and reserve her right to a fair trial. They don't want cracks in their case against Casey that may let her walk.

    This may be the only time in my life i would enjoy being proven wrong. I want to believe Caylee is still alive.

  5. No, not  yet, and I dont know why, My son had a dna test done and it was done in five days. sounds funny to me. I think that Casy is now not speaking to her parents or brother is because she's guilty about something and doesn't want her family to see through her.  We all know that nothing good is come of this.  I hope it comes to  an end soon.  

  6. Hopefully, the results will come in soon.  Wouldn't it be great to see Caylee is still alive?  I'm still hopeful.  I just couldn't imagine how you can look at that cute little face and harm her in any way.  

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