
Caylee Anthony News 9/2/08?

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I was watching Nancy Grace tonight and there were flashes at the bottom in the breaking news section about new 911 calls that were released. Anyone know where I can hear them?

And at the end of the show Leonard said that there is a dumpster by Tony's apartment that will play a part in the case? Did I hear that correct? It was at the very end of the show. If so, anyone know anything further on this?




  1. I'm watching Nancy now.  The 911 tapes refer to Cindy's calls about the protesters Friday night.  No additional news on the dumpster.

  2. here is the link to her page on cnn. plus the show will air again tonight

    10 et

  3. maybe try  

  4. Casey ought to be tortured to near death then let her recover painfully recover then do it over and over i wish our government would not waste our money on people like her she doesn;t deserve a cell a bed or three meals a day and then the phone to boot h**l jail systems are a joke now if ur buddies in there or anyone they get to smoke do drugs talk play games talk on the phone get fed good and have a bed sorry b****es like her do not deserve that let me have her i will make sure she wont go anywhere and i wont kill her either just give her what she deserves

  5. I heard the same thing about the dumpster by Tony's apartment.  It's hard to believe anything that Leonard said.  I'm not so sure this is just something to keep his face in the news.  Not sure how other viewers of Nancy Grace, but her two week vacation was refreshing.  So sick of her cutting off people as they try to answer her questions.  I don't think Casey will ever talk.  If he were to talk,who would believe anything she says. She is one cold heart b***h.  Sorry, but she is.  And Cindy,  not so sure she is not hiding information.  Cindy's husband, can't think of his name at the minute, I see where Casey would get the rage it would take to harm this beautiful girl.  Both he and Cindy would do good if they just quit talking to the press.  They are only making matters worse.  I would guess growing up in that household would s***w up the best of kids.  

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