
Caylee Anthony The Missing 2 Year Old from Florida ?

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Have you heard this story the mother sounds like a whack job . The little girl has been missing for 5 weeks and she just now reports it and also lies about details of her daughters disappearance .




  1. Yes,ive added them on my space.Her brother does her page now.saw nancy grace and all i have to say is nancy wasnt pushy enough this time w the grandma.I am not sure why they arent pressing the mom more to press the daughter to tell the truth etc.why keep letting your child do this.I would so be in my childs face if something happen to my grandchild.why did the grandma wait four weeks???three days if i cant talk or say hi to the baby im asking why!!ill call back in few..i expect to.I even speak to my sister 7 month old all the time.

    dog chapman was right on the other night her lawyer made excuses for her and dogs right on press this mom for 24/7 dont let her out of interrogation .

  2. The grandmother knows something. I just watched an interview with her on, I want to reach through my computer and slap the c**p outta her.

    I think the entire family is F*cked up. I have a feeling she is dead. Poor baby. I just pray she didn't suffer.

    This story really gets to me. Somethings got to give.

  3. Yeah, I saw it on Nancy Grace a few days ago. The mother definitely knows something and just isn't saying. But I heard the grandmother speaking too and she didn't seem to make much sense either. The whole situation confuses me. I just hope the little girl can be returned safely.

  4. This story MAKES ME SICK!  I couldn't imagine my 2 year old daughter being out of my sight, without me knowing exactly where she is, for one minute.  I would be FREAKING OUT if she were gone, and I CERTAINLY would be begging my daughter to TELL what happened for the world to hear if my granddaughter were missing.  God knows Caycee Anthony's (Caylee's mother) fate in the end if she had anything to do with her disappearance.  Doesn't she realize that there are SO many wonderful people in this country who would do anything to be GOOD, LOVING parents?  I have lost 2 babies in miscarriage and that was so devastating.  How could ANYONE ever put or hurt their baby?  I don't understand this...

  5. Something is weird about this. What ticks me is that the mother suposidly knows where her daughter is but wont say anything because reasons of the family getting hurt (her mom mentioned on the Today show) if I dont have my daughter, even if i knew she is in good hands. I will still be sad about it. Her expression is far from being sad. i say they talk to Sylvia brown! Yes i do believe in her!  I hope this doesnt take them to long to figure out.

  6. The grandmother is crazy............I saw her interview with Greta, she was so defensive it was sickening.  Greta didn't attempt to be disrespectful, and this woman kept putting Greta "in her place" so to speak and Greta wasn't even asking her anything or pressing her.  The grandmother just kept talking about "let's find Caylee, I'm too tired to answer stupid questions, poor pitiful me".  The idiot is making herself and her daughter the victim, which they are in a sense, but she was more worried about people not asking her pressing questions and how little sleep she has gotten, when she needs to be in her daughters face getting some answers.  You can't tell me a decent mother doesn't know what happened to her child.  The mother is responsible for whatever happened and she knows what happened and the grandmother is as wacky and guilty as her daughter for not pressing her own daughter to "fess up".

  7. IT IS DISGUSTING!!!! SATAN IS LIVING IN SOOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  how can ANY LIVING THING  possibly hurt an innocent and beautiful little defenseless  CHILD!!!!!!!!!  FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. I think the pshyco path mother killed her I didnt want to say it but after hearing the pleadings, witnesses (her mom, dad, & brother) and case reviews thats what I have left to say, even though they dont have enough evidence to process this case as a homocide yet! I think it will all peice together eventualy in the up coming months! I mean seriously who waits a month before reporting their child misisng, and she didnt even want to do it her mother ended up calling the orange county police.

    Another thing that dosent make sense is whom she dropped Caylee off with, the apartment building has been vacated since feburary 29th and this woman dosent even exist, there are only two residents in the florida area with this name and neither of them claim to know casey or Caylee.

    Now the evidence in the car arises, I think she left her daughter in the car forgetting about her and she died in her car seat and now she dosent want to go to jail or seem like the bad mother and she is covering this up as a kidnapping, I mean she went to the neighbors house of her parents home for a shovle, why would she need one in the first place, and second off the smell of a rotting pizza and the smell of a decompsoing body are two completley diffrent smells, the smell of a decomposing body is a lot more rankid and stronger. The pizza smell would hvae bene out of the vehicle by now.

    I hope god is looking out for Caylee marie but her mother shouldn't have even gotten bond, she claims she wants to help her child but yet the munipulative lies she has been telling to the orange County police dosent show me that hse wants to find her daughter alive in any way what so ever!

  9. the only thing the mother can do to redeem herself is tell the authorities where the body is.

  10. I agree with all of you - these people seem to have an odd approach to this.  The grandmother actually said to Megan Kelly on Fox yesterday that her daughter "can't just blurt it out" to the police, that she needs to "tell them in her own way" and when Megan said people think her daughter knows and is not telling, she got angry with Megan.  The police have said that the mother took them on a wild goose chase to an apartment that has not been occupied for over 100 days, claiming that she left the girl with a sitter there.  I think the piece of c**p mom was on drugs and drugs and slavery/pedophilia are involved in her disappearance but I sure hope I am wrong!

  11. The Grandmother seems like a whack job too. I hope Caylee turns up but the chance seem to be not so good that this will happen

  12. I agree. I have been following this story from the beginning. It is very sad and I beleive that the mother is hiding something. I can not imagine bringing any harm to my kids. Did you see her face when she was arrested? No remorse whatsoever!!!

  13. The poor child is dead. I dont buy that womans story for a minute.

    The mother needs to come foward to save others the suffering that they are going through. Let her grandparents bury the body in a decent grave, not in some dump somewhere or whatever she did with her.

    How anyone can physically harm something as precious and helpless as a 2 year old girl is beyond me.

  14. I believe Casey Anthony killed her daughter and I believe that the grandmother knows WAY more than she is letting on. Not only is there overwhelming evidence but let's all use common sense here. I have a two year old son and there's no way in h e l l that I would go WEEKS without reporting him missing. If I couldn't find my son for more then 10 minutes I would freak out! Any woman that is a mother should agree with that. I have had my son run away from me while shopping and I completely panic if I cannot find him! How could any mother not report her child missing for so long?? It's very very suspicious.

    Also, why did she abandon her car? It was running fine, there was nothing wrong with it, so why would she just abandon it? Judging from the smell in the car and the hair, dirt and stain found in the trunk---it's a no brainer.

    If you watched the Bond Hearing on CNN you will notice something else that I find very odd. At one point, the cameraman focuses on Casey Anthony's shackled ankles and you get a really good view of her toes. She has perfectly and seemingly freshly polished purple toenails. Now you tell me what mother would even have time to care about her friggin toenails looking pretty when her 2 year old daughter is missing and could be dead?? I know that if I were in that situation the VERY LAST THING on my mind would be my dang toenails being polished. Also, I read reports that she got a tattoo in the weeks following the initial dissappearance. WTF?! Your child is gone and you care so little that you go to a tattoo parlor and get a tattoo? Plus the tattoo says something like, "Bella Vida" for her daughter. This is all just too strange.

    I have also read reports that the babysitter never existed and the apartment she claimed to have dropped Caylee off at has been vacant for 5 months. AND reports that Casey was wild and liked to go to nightclubs and party. I wonder if she just didn't like being a mom at 22 and felt her daughter held her back from dating and being wild. That coupled with the fact that her daughters father died in a car crash not too long ago. I think Casey Anthony has a whole slew of emotional/psychological issues and someone should have noticed that a long time ago. She is a pathological liar.

    All of that evidence along with how much she has lied just points to one thing.

    She has murdered her daughter and I hope she gets the Death Penalty for it. Any mother that knowingly and willfully murders their own child should get the death penalty.

    If you have seen the grandmother in her various interviews you will notice that she really seems to enjoy the media attention, a lot. It's just sickening. None of them have the demeanor of a family in distress. They are all just a weird bunch of psychos if you ask me.

  15. It is completely ridiculous--I agree with you, if one of my kids was gone for even 20 minutes and I had no idea where they were, I'd be calling police.  Something is just SO wrong with this story...I really hope that the mother didn't kill Caylee.  I think Trenton Duckett's mother killed him, and I think it is REALLY REALLY WEIRD that Caylee's grandmother has links to the Trenton Duckett myspace page on HER Caylee is missing website.  Also on her website is a side-by-side pic of missing posters for Trenton and Caylee.  Weird.  I would be trying to figure out ways my case was DIFFERENT from a notorious case with a really bad ending, rather than comparing like that.  Something is just so wrong with the whole thing.

    AS A society, I don't think we here in the United States take care of and treasure our children the way we should.  I think we could do a lot better.  Just an observation.

  16. These people are looney toons!  If the grandmother spent half the time grilling her daughter about what happened to little Caylee as she does evading questions, making excuses and claiming exhaustion, maybe we would know where she is!  I am very, very afraid that when the truth does come out it is not going to be good.  Thank goodness Florida is a death penalty state.

  17. Me I want a child so badly and to think that children are being killed and murdered and abused by there mothers makes me sick.  I cant have children and am trying to adopt one Caylee was a beautiful little girl as I saw her on tv I could only wish I had one of my own I thought if caylee was my child I would never let her out of my site and she would still be here today safe and happy.  When I think of the unthinkable happening to a baby a child a toddler all that could have happened to Caylee what more than likely did happen to her makes me cry just to think about it just to hear about it I don't even want to know the outcome of this story I just can't take it.

  18. My take on this is that the mother is seeking attention from all parties and negative attention is still the grandma seems to be the enabler which means that she is more concerned about her daughter and covering up for her which it seems it wont be  the first time! I am afraid to say that I think the little angel is passed on and unfortunately dumped somewhere. There 's seems to be some family dynamics that are at play here and nothing new meaning something other than the disappearance of the little a family secret or something sinister of the sort... sad story.

  19. I believe shes not alive.. the mother is full of c**p and the grandmother is acting funny. To the Grandmother its all about her daughter and how she must feel.. really makes me mad.

  20. The mother told the police that the father is dead and the polica have said that is one of the few stories they believe from her. I just learned this morning that they have had a viable tip that the little girl was seen borading a flight from the orlando international airport to atlana, ga. Please keep her in your thougths and prayer..there is a chance she could still be alive!

  21. Caylee's father died about a year ago in a car accident.

    Apparantly, dogs found evidence of decomposition in the trunk of the car. They also found hairs that resemble Caylee's hair color and length.

    I think Casey was being negligent and was not watching Caylee. Caylee accidentally died and then Casey covered it up because she feared getting into trouble.

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