
Cayuga Duck. The OutCast??

by  |  earlier

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Well, I am in a predicament.

We have 5 Ducks.

4 Cayugas and 1 mallard.

2 of the Cayugas are Males.

The other 2 are females. and the Mallard is a female.

So, we have two males and three females.

Well, they are just about 4 months old.

They are fully feathered, and the females should start laying in just about another month or two ( or less ).

Well, the last couple of days have been a lil weird.

Four of the ducks will sleep in a lil corner during the day.

And the other duck ( a female Cayuga ) will sleep about 15 ft away.

They haven't started Mating yet. So, I can't imagine that they would already be pairing off.

And besides, wouldn't a male Cayuga Choose a Female Cayuga over a Mallard?

Why do you think that she is not hangin' with the group?




  1. SHe could be being picked on by the other ducks. SHe may be a summisive duck and not allowed in the group.

    Try to get another male duck and puting htem in the same pen together away from the rest later, about a month or a couple weeks later place both in the group and see what appens. Or keep the two together by themselves.

    There will be fighting most likly but eventullay will be together, mabe they will become dominant.

  2. Beth said it all

  3. The don't always choose their breed over another to pair up with. That's not how it works. Just like white people don't just pair up with white people. Color and breed mean nothing to them.

    She could get picked on, but since you haven't seen any aggressive behavior, maybe she just doesn't want to lay with them. I mean its hot, maybe she wants to be by herself, yet still close. If they still sleep together at night, the means the most likely aren't running her away from the others. I wouldn't be very concerened unless bullying starts. Maybe thats just the way she is, a lone duck.  

  4. These are wonderful ducks and their color is great as well. this poor duck may be lonely since they do pair up and are you sure the s*x of them if male then he has no female if female she has no male may have to get either and same age  The females are the loudest and develope the quacker frist. maybe if female she is in brooding mood.

  5. Lol.  

    You have a very similar situation to me

    I have 12 khaki campbell ducks (3 drakes and 9 ducks ) and everything is great and all my ducks are immaculate... No fighting whatsoever nor any dominance btw they are all around 5 years old and have had them all since they were small

    But anyway I have one khaiki campbell female who in recent weeks is acting just like ylovelyuga (lovley ducks btw) she sleeps with the other ducks and mates etc but then likes to stay not as near .  and sometimes even follows the geese around (who do not appreciate being followed by a duck) lol This only happens during the main course of the day and by evening she comes back to the other ducks and settles down for the night . .

    But during the day even though she is on her own she is always communication with the other quacking to the other side of the garden /field =)

    Si there is atcually nothing wrong wth yours

    some ducks are just a little "odd" lol and like to be different just let them get on with things . .when and if she wants to she'll go back all day with the ducks but for now she prefers to hang out on her own and folllow geese  =)

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