
Cb or amir??

by Guest66958  |  earlier

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i think if you look at it on paper you would think cb would win but if you watch their fights amir pulled off wins against gerald harris and matt brown and he was the underdog in those fights just like in this one and even cb said amir is the most dangerous one out of the 2 other guys such jesse taylor and tim creudur




  1. CB will take amir. the reason why is because of his ground game and power. However amir can throw the hands very well. If he catch's CB slipping he will knock him out. I see CB shooting right away and go with the ground and pound. He will hold amir down and pose his will.

    CB's conditioning is much better as well.

  2. Amir took out Matt brown who was heavily favored to go into the finals... so i think he matched up the top 2 to go into the finals.

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  3. I think Amir is pretty darn tough, both fights it seemed as if he was losing and then beat them. He can take a punch that's for sure. I think he is pretty good.

    Hopefully CB will get his *** beat because he is so full of himself. He's a good fighter but he really needs to be kicked down a notch.

    And he needs to stop talking about himself in the third person.

  4. honestly i was never really impressed with CB. Anyway I hope amir wins.

  5. Its gonna be CB vs. Jesse thats why Dana wouldnt fight them in the semis because he wants the best 2 for the main event

  6. CB will win because hes more talented than Amir. I read CB's blog and he sure is getting sponsors that most people only dream.
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