
Cedar Point best coasters?

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What are your favorite and least favorite coasters at Cedar Point?




  1. Favorites:

    Millennium Force, Magnum, Maverick, Raptor, Gemini

    Least Favorites:

    Corkscrew, Meanstreak

  2. 1-Millenium force

    2-Maverick (if you can wait in that line :( )

    3-top thrill dragster (a rush and a half)

    4-raptor (upside down 6 times)

    5-wicked twister (crazy)

    6-magnum 200 xl (a little bumpy though)

    7-mantis (stretch your calves first though)

    you get the picture.  my biggest disappointment was mean streak, it seemed to brake down the first hill and is beat you to death and it looked so cool online i was disappointed. Corkscrew was so short and small it wasn't that cool either.

    EDIT oh i just want to add in that maxair (a non coaster) is probably number 4 or 5 on my list. it's amazing!

  3. My favorite is the Millenium Force.  Least favorite is the Mantis.

  4. My favorite rides are Raptor, Mantis, and Wicked Twister.  These rides are steel, so they are smooth and aren't jerky.

    The rides I don't like are the wooden roller coasters (Blue Streak, Gemini, Mine Ride, Mean Streak).  They are really jerky and rough, so I try not to ride them because every time I do ride them, I have neck and back pains afterward.  Neck and back pains can ruin a day at the best amusement park!

  5. I love the Raptor, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Iron Dragon and Blue Streak.

    i haven't been on a ride i didn't like....yet

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