
Cedar Rapids and Des Moines? Will Bush declare in one voice: "You did a heckuva job, Brownie?"?

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I smell a Katrina all over again with this latest rounds of disasters.

What do you think?




  1. Cedar Rapids and Des Moines has not asked for FEMA's help, and I pray they don't. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is one of the most ineffective agencies every created via the Federal government.

    Billions of dollars have been funneled through through this "agency" that never benefitted anyone.

    Three days ago, it was revealed that millions of dollars worth of "goods" that were supposed to go the victims of Katrina had been warehoused--never reaching those who sustained losses due to Katrina. These "goods" were reportedly refused by the City of New Orleans, and the State of Louisiana, and were given away to anyone who who would "come and get them".  Many "goods" may have been "chucked" into the Gulf of Mexico!

    If Laura Bush isn't ashamed of her husband, she should be ashamed of herself for being the impetus behind the No Child Left Behind Act.

    As a retired teacher, and now a substitute teacher, I can tell you the No Child Left Behind

    Act is the most detrimental act ever foisted upon the American Public Education System.  The Act is with us, and repealing the act doesn't seem likely. I hope the Bush's grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great, great grandchildren will suffer from this act.

  2. I live in a "suburb" of Cedar Rapids [I personally don't think Marion is a suburb, but whatever] and I'm not completly sure, but I think FEMA might of come to check the damage out, but I only got back from vacation on Thursday night so I missed a lot of the flooding and news....

    I don't think Cedar Rapids will be anywhere close to as bad as Katrina, we don't have as big of an area that was flooded, which will make it somewhat easier for the police to keep it under control, plus the people who stayed in there houses when it flooded, most likely won't go around stealing things.

    Iowa City might be a different story though.....

  3. No, Brownie is no longer at FEMA... let's see if the agency has learned any lessons and let's hope for Katrina cottages instead of travel trailers....

  4. i don't think so.  if he brings Blackwater in to start shooting people, those iowa boys will shoot back.

  5. It's so wide an area,and such a tremendous disaster,that the counties attention cannot fathom the extent of the stuation. We are witnessing the beginnings of abrupt climate change!

    I am sure you know what that means for ALL large MAMMALS,don't you?  




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