
Cedar chips for bedding but what about for relieving themselves.?

by Guest60801  |  earlier

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The smell from the dogs urine on cedar chips put out a strong ammonia odor is there something else that can be used to put down in dogs enclosed kennel area that wouldn't give off such a potient methane smell. It can't be safe if the person that cleans these kennels has to wear a gas mask.




  1. Cedar is toxic and likely causing the smell. I'd ditch it.

  2. My dog run has a cushy layer of straw down. Smell is next to nothing. The area is well drained, though, and we pick up solid waste every day. If the dog kennel is not well drained, it doesn't matter what is down, it'll still smell, because that urine can't go anywhere. It'll saturate the ground, basically.

    The dogs love nothing better than when we put fresh straw down. We let them out of the house as soon as we are done, and they romp and play.

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