Ok, well i was watching vh1 yesterday, about the biggest celebrity splurges.
Gwen stefani wore a one million dollar hairclip. OMG! and you think that was the worst of it? no.
the number one celebrity splurge, was t pain - wearing a 6 million dollar ring.
6 million dollars.
these are their houses http://www.glamorati.com/celebrity/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/eddie-murphys-house-thumb.jpg
now compare that to this - a woman who wanted a simple down to earth life and is now living in an 84 square feet house.
this is ridiculous. i cannot believe how these "celebrities" are acting.
for example, take miley cyrus. she recently wrote a whole song called "wake up america" about taking care of the earth.
well, this is her house http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bp2.blogger.com/_Igo_eJXLrlg/R4f6FbQMHyI/AAAAAAAAAmA/tN_0xH_Ef24/s320/miley-cyrus-house-de.jpg&imgrefurl=http://allmileycyrus.blogspot.com/2008/01/photo-above-is-of-mileys-house-in-los.html&h=206&w=320&sz=26&hl=en&start=7&sig2=ooqlV4WcXipYbpjqDDFy6w&um=1&usg=__NW_YDTcx3XHk2jGS1T5ZZ8RVAB0=&tbnid=Tja-N2RJG4SOzM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=118&ei=goG8SJmQFp-0sQPyiOncAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmiley%2Bcyrus%2Bhouse%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
hmm, i wonder how much energy it takes to keep that up and running!
isnt this ridiculous.
with the 6 million dollars that was spent one one ring - - if you just took one 6th of that amount, (one million dollars) you could use it to...
- you could buy 2000 cows for a village in a third world country, and supply 2000 families with a cow that could give them milk and keep them sustained
- you could buy 5,000 families a flock of 5 or 6 chickens, to give them eggs.
- save over 30 acres of rainforrest.
can you believe this?