
Celebrity Face Question?

by  |  earlier

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Which Johnny Depp "look" is hotter and why? Also, what is his hottest look if it is not either of these (besides POTC)? Please find the hottest picture of him in your favorite (hottest) style/look of him.

Look 1 -

Look 2 -

Please keep the pictures you find to real life. (Photo Shoot, Premieres, Paparazzi, Awards ETC).




  1. i dont get it hes just so ughly! im not trying to be a hater and be mean but we all have our own opinions and this is mine?

  2. Of those picture he looks hotter in Look 1. I think it's because of the way he's sitting and the look in his eyes - like he just wants me to come and get him!

  3. Look 1 is definatly better!!! But I'm not really a big fan of him. :)

  4. Look 1 :)

    Look 2 makes him look too old (in my opinion)

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