
Celebrity adoption?

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I'm honestly just curious about people's opinions on this. I've seen a lot of bashing towards celebs adopting - namely Madonna (who I can't stand to begin with, but that's another topic) and Angelina. My opinion is that Angelina is more likely to be doing this for good reasons than Madonna is... but, I've just noticed a lot of people are bashing their (and others') decisions to adopt. Why is it okay for us non-celebs to adopt but they have an ulterior motive?

Also, how do you think this affects us regular folks trying to adopt? We've planned to adopt since long before Angelina even became famous. So why do people think I'm doing it just because it's become popular or "trendy"? It's hard for me to justify our adoption process when people have such a negative view on their reasons for adopting.




  1. I don't know what kind of people your talking to but the only people that bash Angie (that Im around) are the ones that had some love for that troll that Brad use to be married to and they think Angie is a homewreaker. I think a lot of people see her as a role model and she is bringing awarness to adoption. Just because some idiot said it's becoming trendy doesn't make it so. These kids need us and those kids really don't care what dumb people have to say about it. If someone where to say that I was trying to be like angie because I was adopting I would say " yes I am and I f**k like her too,my husband is always smiling, wanna see my tattoos" Some people are only happy when they are making others unhappy. I say good for you for wanting to adopt.

  2. This is just my opinion, but I would also be against a non-celeb adopting if the child was going to be raised by a nanny or away from his/her parents for months at a time.

    Angelina seems to spend a lot of time with her kids, and seems to make their needs a priority.  You see a lot of her and Brad in the press with the kids, and they are protecting the children from the cameras.  

    This doesn't seem to be the case with Madonna and Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman's children (although he does protect his biological child like a treasure).

    Like I said, this is just my perception of the issue.  These people may all be wonderful parents, but it just seems like you see a lot of the celebs, and very little of the children.

  3. You said "its hard for me to justify our adoption process when people have such negative view on their reasons for adopting"

    I think that is totally wrong.  I have adopted once and am in the process of adopting another one.  I would never think I would have to justify adopting.  I really don't give a c**p what people think of adoption.  I am doing it for many reasons, and I don't think I have to explain them to anyone.

    Why do you think you have to justify it? Do you have the right intentions for adopting?

  4. what i think is that celebs feel like it's trendy.  they have more money than regular ap's, so they get the babies first.

    the highest bidder wins.  the baby loses.

  5. We adopted from Liberia (West Africa).  We started our process before Angelina adopted, but as it got closer, everyone assumed that we adopted from Ethiopia, just like Angelina did.  It took some gentle correcting on our part, but yes, because we adopted from Africa, it's assumed that we were part of the celebrity trend.

    I don't have a problem with celebrities adopting, so long as they go through the same process as we "mere mortals".  This is why Madonna's adoption bothers me.  She was able to get court approval to circumvent the existing adoption laws in the country.  I feel even asking that an exception be made is disrespecting the country, their laws and their culture.  Of course, it had everything to do with the money she was pouring into the country.  I'm also concerned that someone else with a lot of money and with less than pure motives, could also go to that country and have an exception made for them, too.  Madonna set a precendent that someone else could exploit.  

    I think Angelina went though the process and her choice to adopt from Ethiopia brought attention to an existing adoption program and people who may not have even realized it was possible, might adopt because of it.  The downside is that Ethiopia went from an obscure program with maybe ten adoptions a year to one of the most popular international programs, almost overnight.  Ethiopia has existing laws, but the laws and the process were not equipped for the influx of Americans wanting to adopt.  There's been delays with the programs while the bureaucracy tries to catch up.

    Don't worry about trying to justify your decision to adopt internationally.  Adoption from overseas is not easier than adopting in the US.  There is an entire second layer of government and bureaucracy to work with, plus the added challenge of cultural, racial and possibly language differences.  It's not for the faint-hearted.  But it is incredibly rewardind and enriching, all the same.

    Good luck!

  6. I agree. I think that anyone who goes through the adoption process (knowing how hard it is) would not be doing it for some sort of trend. i applaud anyone who is willing to adopt and give these children a better life.. celebrity or not....

  7. I have no problems with celebrities adopting; they're human too.  Well, I do worry about M. Jackson's kids....

  8. I've never followed Madonna's adoption, but Angelina did it for the publicity.  Money will buy you anything including a baby. Given her past (and possible present) heroin use, she HAD to go overseas.  She couldn't legally adopt here. She certainly didn't do it privately. I mean, think about it. Did you ever hear about Jamie Lee Curtis' adoptions?  Not a bit, I'll bet, until much later when you were actually researching the subject.  That is the difference.

    As far as individuals, there are other things that affect international adoptions. If people think you are doing it because you are trendy, you really need new friends.  The costs involved certainly weed out most people doing it for frivoulous reasons (not all, unfortunately). Good luck to you!

  9. "Does this baby match my handbag? How about this one then?"

    It's great PR and great press.

  10. I think people are jerks. No matter what is published, we don't know what celebrities motives are. We don't know them and they're just people (albeit very pretty ones). I think we should just give them the benefit of the doubt, like we would any other adoptive parent. I seriously doubt people adopt to be trendy. It's a lot of work and money to do it. People are just jerks. Ignore them and do what's right for your family.

  11. they are human those kids are gonna get fantastic lives some ppl would be happy to think they were left behind rather than have a great life shame on them

    infact they are probably just jelous that these kids got the life they would want for themselves!!!!!! disgusting!!!!!!!!

  12. Thanks so much for posting this question.  I answered one recently about this and was bashed because I said that it is fine for celebrities to adopt. What in the world is wrong with that?  And if adopting is getting more publicity because of people like Angelina and Madonna- I think that is good.  Adoption is wonderful and more people should be interested in it. Please don't take this negativity to heart- that is exactly what the naysayers want you to do- adopt because you have a heart to have a child- good luck
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