
Celebs at disney world on new years eve dec 31st 2008?

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i've been to disney world many times since i was born in 1986. this year is the first time to be there on new years eve. i was just wandering if there will be any celebs at disney world on new years eve.

i'm not trying to hunt any one down. i'm just curious.

i go to disney world for disney world but i would be cool if i saw someone famous.

does anyone know if any celebs will be there and if so who and where and when will they be there?





  1. How do you go about getting tickets for new years eve at disneyworld?

  2. New Years Eve at Walt Disney World is awesome!  It is packed and rocking!  Now as far a celebrities go, there will be there but you will probably not see them!  When the parks are filled with 70+ thousand people you will have a hard time keeping your group together, let alone spotting someone!

    Have fun!

  3. yea there will. Im gonna go. The Cheetah Girls will be there. thats all i know. I CANT FRIKIN  WAIT!!

  4. In answer to your question.  Yes there will be celebs there for the New Years Celebration but it is always filmed prior to and not always live.  On any given day at Disney there is usually someone famous on property from old celebs to new.  You may not notice or recongnize them as they just blend in on vacation.  

    Its very likely that most celebs will be at their private parties on New Years and not in the middle of the Magic Kingdom unless they are doing a live appearance and have to be there.

    You may see someone on any given trip at any given time they visit quite often and yes their current Disney Channel stars are there quite often as well.

    Good luck in your search very unlikely to run into someone and actually realize it.

  5. I have been to Disney World many times during New Year's Eve and have yet to run into a celebrity. I suggest to get to the park early because they do close it down when they reach capacity which is around 75,000 people.

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