
Cell Phone purchase in South Africa?

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I am going travellng around the world, and I need to buy a cell phone that will work all in Africa and Asia. How would I go about doing this? Any help?




  1. if you get it, plis tell me. I am in the same mess.

  2. The advice above from the others is very good. There's just one thing they didn't mention though. Also make sure it's a phone that you won't worry about being stolen.

  3. Get yourself a Thuraya SG-2520 Triband GSM, GPS, Satellite Phone.

  4. Your best bet will be to buy a satellite phone.  They are very expensive as are the calls to and fro but it will get by better than a cell phone. You can look on the net to find a dealer closest to you.

  5. If  you are looking for total coverage a satellite phone is best, however calls are charged astronomically. Otherwise just choose a tough cellphone that is able to operate on most major bands.

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