
Cell Phones and Bees?

by Guest65014  |  earlier

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I am very concerned about the possible impact that cell phones have on bees because I know how important they are to the environment (and for our survival as a species). Therefore, it is my plan to phase out my cell phone from my life, and I am confused/debating about one issue: a cell phone (pre-paid) for emergencies only. Obviously, it will need to have its battery and charged; however, I plan to have it off, if I don't need it.

My question then is: can a cell phone be off and have no adverse impact on the bees OR does it not matter either way?

If it turns out that the cell phone has an adverse affect when it's off, I will then decide against it. I feel that it will then help am optimistic outlook versus assuming the worse. :)

For a constant telephone number, I am investigating Skype because an actual land line is not possible now. However, that is probably best because the affect of Wi-Fi, is that known? I can only hope it's not as adverse as cellular technology




  1. Don't worry about it.  Cell phones cannot affect bees unless it made a nest right on the transmitter and probably not even then.  It doesn't affect them because the energy is not enough.  They are not normally affected by that wavelength at all.

  2. Stop using insecticides!

  3. wow I hope I can save on Raid every year just walk out and turn my cell phone

  4. This phenomenon  of bees disappearing  started last year there would not be no significant increase in cell or WI FI  radiation in such a short period of time.  It is doubtful that cell phones have any thing to do with it at all.  Its probably pesticides or genetically altered corn.

    Bees see in the ultra violet spectrum.  Some scientist have speculated that the decreased magnetic field has allowed to much ultraviolet light through, in effect blinding the bees enough they can't find their way back to the hives.

  5. i guess this is the solution for killer bees. right.

  6. I believe it is all the radio waves from phones and such, so if your phone is off, then it isn't going to receive a signal.
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