
Cell Phones... need reasons!

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Ok, i need some good reasons to write down so that my parens let me get a cell phone. Also, some non expensive cell phone links are appreciated. What do you think of Track Phones??

thanks a bunch! I'm going into 7th grade and eeryone else has them.




  1. My parents got me a cell phone in 5th grade. It was because I walked home by myself from the bus stop so they wanted me to call them when the bus dropped me off and when I got home. And they wanted me to have one just in case of emergency like someone stole me. And I recently got into band and I also finally got a semi social life so my mom wants me to call her like when the movie is over at the movies or when band practice ends or stuff like that so that was another reason. I like track phones. It's just so my parents know exactly were I'm at. They like to know that stuff. Hopefully you get a cell phone.

  2. ok if u dont have a reson why do u need a cell phone butt thats me to track phones a dumb but if u get virgin mole they have a lot of cool phoen and rollover

  3. i think every child over the age of 10 should have a cell these days. My son understands that it is so i know where he is. he must answer it by the third ring. you can let your parents know if there is a change in your plans, say you were at friend a's house but going to friend b's, and they can also let you know if they are going to be late comming home from work.

    there are many reasonably priced phones and plans out there, but stay away from track phone, it is the most expensive plan there is and the phone's themself are crappy.

    maybee you can approach mom with if she buys the phone, you will pay for the air time?  

  4. So that they don't have to worry about you if you're late home. So that you can ring them if something bad happens.

  5. Everyone else having them isn't a all. That makes you sound very shallow and immature when you say that and will guarantee they don't get you one.

    I can't think of any reason to have your own cell phone in 7th grade. Use your mommy's phone to talk to your little friends.

  6. Hmmmm...

    1: If Something Happens You Can Call Them Anytime.

    2: They Can Reach You Anytime.

    3: You Wont Be On The House Phone All Day.

    4: It Could Help You Be More Responsible.

    Thats About All. Lol.

  7. Hi sweetie,

    You named the #1 reason your parents shouldn't let you get a cell phone: "Everyone else has them." That phrase does something weird to parents, and you can almost see their ears and eyes close down, their faces contort!!!!

    Depending on your sincerity and maturity, you might agree to a cell phone that has restriction capabilities, so that you used it solely for emergencies. I think Disney puts out something like that.

    You might also come up with extra chores to work off its cost, or pay for it yourself if you already earn money from babysitting and the like.

    Only when you're in your parents' shoes (with a teenager of your own) will you understand and respect their opinion. But, it's hard to see that far ahead from 7th grade.

    Good luck!

  8. Well, if you walk to and from school by yourself that's a good reason. Also if you go out a lot that would be a good reason too so your parents can keep track of you. Just don't through a tantrum or anything if they say no or "we'll think about it". And I think Track Phones are good.

  9. Well the reasons why I like my child to have a mobile phone are so that he can contact me at anytime if he's staying with family or goes away for a week or two with them.  I like him to have his own phone so that he can contact me if he needs me or if he should want to come home.  It means I can also contact him at anytime when he's away too.

    He also gets public transport on his own sometimes and I feel safer knowing that he can call me should he lose his money or anything happen.  

    Of course he wanted a mobile phone just to have one for the fun of it and because everyone else had one, but the reason why he's had one since he was about 8 is because of safety.  

    They are so cheap these days and if you get a pay as you go one your parents will know that you can't run up a huge bill.  Try saying to them that you'll contribute towards the cost of it, or even better buy it yourself and tell them that you'll be sensible with it and go easy on the credit.  Mention all the safety aspects of it too.  If they're anything like me, and most parents, they will feel a lot safer for you to have a phone with you whenever you're out by yourself.  

  10. "I'm going into 7th grade and eeryone else has them."

    ok so if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?

    seriously grow up. not one parent would want to hear that phrase 'everyone else has them".

  11. Okay well some other people already gave reasons that I would've gaven..

    If you need a ride.

    If you're by yourself.

    If you're babysitting and they don't have a home phone, just cell phones.

    To talk to your friends...

    Okay there's more, but I'm just going to give you some phones:

    Trac Phones are okay...

    This one is free if you buy 20$ of minutes, which is really cheap/good deal:

    Here are some other phones you could get:  (13$)

    (pretty cheap but nice, has camera)

  12. So if everyone else jumped off a cliff, you would too?

    How are you going to pay for a cell phone? Do you have a job that you're going to be able to afford this cell phone with, or will you be having your parents pay the bill? They can get pretty expensive, plans or not. And cell phones are now being linked to a higher risk of developing brain cancer.

    I wouldn't get a cell phone because "everyone else has them". Be your own person, stop following the crowd. You really don't need one. Two quarters for a pay phone works just as well.

    If you're really dead set on a cell phone though, the best way to convince your parents is to show them you're responsible enough to handle having one, and that also means proving to them that you will pay for it, you do have the means and responsibility to pay for it, and you won't depend on them to pay for it for you.

  13. My parents wouldn't let me have a cell phone until I was in 8th grade(freshman now) but it was towards the end.

    I was always out and wouldn't come home for days and my mom

    would constantly worry about me so she forced my step dad to get me one. I also said that I didnt like using other peoples phones or they wouldnt let me use them.

    And I never used the phase "everyone has them"

    Not EVERYONE does! If you just want to be like eveyone else how do you know who your true self is?

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