
Cell phone company, Is this legal?

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I was on the phone with an EXTREMELY rude customer service representative, for telus mobility (Canadian cell phone company). The day before I was asking about upgrading from my treo the the samsung instinct, the lady told me i could for $179. Me and my dad went to the telus store, stood in line for an hour only to be told i need my mother there because shes on the contract, we drive back home, then my mom takes me, then they try and get us to sign new contacts and whatever so we storm out. We allready spend $2000 + dollars a month! So today I called back and asked what happened, then the lady calls me stupid and all sorts of other things and has a huge attitude and says I can buy the phone and hook it up to my plan for $750 without activation fees! The phone is only $399 on the website! My family has been with telus for over 15 years, pay every bill on time and they can even give us a break on a phone! So I tell her We're through with telus and I said "s***w You, You B*tch!" and hang up, out of complete anger, normaly I would never say anything like that. So anyways, she calls back and says she is taking the $100 credit off of my account! Can she do this??

And Can I get into any trouble with the company for calling her a name??




  1. I don't think that you could get into any trouble (besides your parents, if they care), but she definitely cannot take the credit off your account. That is stealing- against the law. She provoked you guys, and that is definitely unprofessional. But again, nothing is true unless it is on paper...

  2. The phone companies can pretty well do what they want i have'nt found a good phone company here in the US alltough i am useing AT&T but i no longer am commited to stay with them i could say good bye tomorrow and would'nt have to pay a dime for early cancelation.

    I have learned to buy whatever phone i want from Ebay and then just slip my sims card from my old phone into the new one.

    I have bought four new phones from Ebay this year for everyone in my family.

    Strange they come up with what is supposed a great offer on a new phone if i just pay $179.00 after a rebate. and sign anouther two year contract. I can get the same phone they are offering me on Ebay for less than the price after the rebate. No whos kidding who, everyone should stick togeather untill they plain out give us a good phone to get us back under contract.

    Good luck

  3. I don't think so...I have found out that when you talk to customer service you never know what they are gonna let you do. I think it just all depends on who answer your calls. I get aggravated most of the time when I talk to them also.    

  4. I'd have terminated your contract and demanded immediate payment in full for any remaining time.

    The company might report your abuse to the police but I doubt they would. They're used to dealing with abuse.

    It's a big company. YOU can't win.

  5. How do we know this is the UK Yahoo Answers Are laws over here are different

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