
Cell phone help / making money for new phone?

by  |  earlier

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So i recently got a new phone from at&t (I lost my old one, went and was going to use my mom's "upgrade" to get a phone, but they goofed and gave me an early upgrade). I got the Samsung slider (this was a few months before the new iphone came out) my phone is defective (its fully charged but just turns off and wont turn on until being charged for two days, then the battery last about one day) but I can't get it replaced. I would like to get the new iphone but its going to be 500$. I have 100 saved up. My birthday is in two months (October 24) so should I wait and save up more, then ask for money for my birthday and get the phone then? How should I make money? Im really sick of my phone and it being messed up! IS there a way to get an uprade some other way? Thanks for your help!




  1. where is the paperwork you got with your phone? is there a warranty for things like that? if your phone isn't scratched or anything they may replace it.

    I realize that doesn't help you get the iphone but really youre not missing that much. you have a computer, you probably have an ipod, you have a phone that the manufacturer should you already have all the stuff an iphone does.I think they are over-rated.

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